Ecumenical Christian

Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations

Resolution on Anti-Semitism

The Third Assembly recalls the following words which were addressed to the churches by the First Assembly of the World Council of Churches in 1948: “We call upon all the churches we represent to denounce anti-Semitism, no matter what its origin, as absolutely irreconcilable with the profession and practice of the Christian faith. Anti-Semitism is a sin against God and man. Only as we give convincing evidence to our Jewish neighbors that we seek for them the common rights and dignities which God wills for His children, can we come to such a meeting with them as would make it possible to share with them the best which God has given us in Christ.”

The Assembly renews this plea in view of the fact that solutions continue to exist in which Jews are subject to discrimination and even persecution. The Assembly urges its members churches to do all in their power to resist every form of anti-Semitism. In Christian teaching, the historic events which led to the Crucifixion should not be so presented as to impose upon the Jewish people of today responsibilities which must fall on all humanity, not on one race or community. Jews were the first to accept Jesus, and Jews are not the only ones who do not yet recognize Him.

New Delhi, India, 1961