Note: As of 2019, the Christian Scholars Group has gathered less regularly while funding sources are being pursued.
Below are listed currently active members.
Dr. Victoria Barnettchair |
Victoria Barnett is the emeritus Staff Director, Committee on Ethics, Religion and the Holocaust, of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. She is a graduate of Indiana University and Union Theological Seminary, New York (M. Div.) and holds a doctorate in religion and conflict from the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University. She is the author of For the Soul of the People: Protestant Protest against Hitler (Oxford University Press, 1992) and Bystanders: Conscience and Complicity during the Holocaust (Greenwood Press, 1999), and editor/translator of Wolfgang Gerlach’s And the Witnesses were Silent: the Confessing Church and the Jews (University of Nebraska Press, 2000) and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography (Fortress Press, 2000), as well as numerous articles and book chapters on the churches during the Holocaust. She is also coeditor of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works project, the 16-volume English translation series of Bonhoeffer’s complete works.
Dr. Mary C. Boys, S.N.J.M. |
Mary C. Boys is the McAlpin Professor of Practical Theology at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. She also serves as an adjunct faculty member of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and Teachers College, Columbia University. Prior to her present appointment, she served for seventeen years on the faculty of Boston College. She has been a visiting Lecturer of Religious Education at Princeton Theological Seminary, Claremont School of Theology, John Carroll University, Villanova University, and St. Mary's College (London, England). She has also been a Lilly Research Fellow and a Henry Luce III Fellow in Theology for 2005. She is a member of the editorial boards of Studies in Jewish-Christian Relations, the Journal of Religious Education (Australia), Teaching Theology and Religion, and Religious Education. |
Dr. Robert Cathey |
Robert Cathey is Professor of Theology at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), he has taught at The Near East School of Theology (Beirut, Lebanon), Monmouth College (Monmouth, IL), Davidson College, and William Paterson University (NJ). He is a member of the Christian Leadership Initiative of the American Jewish Committee and the Shalom Hartman Institute (Jerusalem) that included intensive study in Jerusalem in July 2010 and 2011. He has served in the Ecumenical & Inter-Religious Work Group of Chicago Presbytery, and was one of the co-authors of In Our Time, a public document on US Presbyterian - Jewish Relations published by Chicago Presbytery in November, 2015. The author of God in Postliberal Perspective: Between Realism and Non-Realism (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2009), he has written or co-authored essays, articles, or reviews in Modern Theology, The Review of Metaphysics, Interpretation, Ars Disputandi, Currents in Theology and Mission, Ecumenical Trends, McCormick Notes, Theological Education, Pro Ecclesia, Princeton Seminary Bulletin, Union Seminary Quarterly Review, and Theological Students Fellowship Bulletin. He contributed chapters or articles to Feasting on the Word: Lectionary Commentary Series (Westminster John Knox Press); Shaping Beloved Community: Multicultural Theological Education (Westminster John Knox Press, 2006); Ecumenical Theology in Worship, Doctrine, and Life (Oxford University Press, 1999); Festschrift in Honor of Charles Speel (Monmouth College, 1996); Dictionary of Christianity in America (InterVarsity Press, 1990). |
Dr. Philip A. Cunningham |
Philip A. Cunningham is Professor of Theology (specializing in Christian-Jewish Relations) and director of the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations of Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, PA. He also serves as president of the International Council of Christians and Jews, secretary-treasurer of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations, and has been a member of the Advisory Committee on Catholic-Jewish Relations for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He was the project editor of the ICCJ's 2009 statement, "A Time for Recommitment: Building the New Relationship between Jews and Christians." Interested in biblical studies, religious education, and theologies of Christian-Jewish relations, he is the author of numerous book and articles on these subjects. His most recent book is Seeking Shalom: The Journey to Right Relationship between Catholics and Jews (Eerdmans, 2015). Previously, he co-edited Christ Jesus and the Jewish People Today: New Explorations of Theological Interrelationships, published by Eerdmans Publishing 2011 with Joseph Sievers, Mary Boys, Hans Hermann Henrix, and Jesper Svartvik. Prior books are the co-edited volume The Catholic Church and the Jewish People: Recent Reflections from Rome, published by Fordham University Press (2007); the edited collection Pondering the Passion: What’s at Stake for Christians and Jews? published by Sheed & Ward (2005); Sharing the Scriptures: Volume 1 of The Word Set Free (Stimulus Foundation/ Paulist Press, 2003); and A Story of Shalom: The Calling of Christians and Jews by a Covenanting God; (Stimulus Foundation/Paulist Press, 2001). Recently, he published with Adam Gregerman, “‘Genuine Brotherhood’ without Remorse: A Commentary on Joseph Ratzinger’s ‘Comments on De Iudaeis,’” Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations (2019). |
Dr. Katharina von Kellenbach |
Katharina von Kellenbach is Professor of Religious Studies and former Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, the Honors College of the State of Maryland. A native of West Germany, she studied Evangelical Theology in Berlin and Göttingen (1979-1982) and received her PhD from the religion department at Temple University in Philadelphia in 1990. She is the former co-chair of the “Religion, Genocide and Holocaust” Group at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion.. Her areas of expertise include feminist theology and Jewish-Christian relations, the ordination, life and work of the first female Rabbi Regina Jonas of Berlin (1902-1944) and the theological, ethical, personal and political issues raised by the Holocaust. Her current research project examines the political implications of the Christian theological emphasis on forgiveness based on the historical records of prison chaplains’ pastoral work with Nazi perpetrators in post-war Germany. She is currently completing a book titled “The Mark of Cain:Prison Chaplains Counsel Perpetrators of the Shoah. In summer of 2011, she served as co-facilitator of the four-week long Coolidge Research Colloquium Explorations at the Intersection of Religious Pluralism and Jewish-Christian Dialogue, Union Theological Seminary, New York City. She serves on the editorial boards of Cross Currents, Journal ofReligion and Gender,Kirche und Israel, and theologie.geschichte: Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kulturgeschichte. She co-edited with Annette Esser and Annette Mehlhorn, Feminist Approaches to Interreligious Dialogue (Leuven: Peeters Verlag, 2009). |
Dr. Heather Miller Rubens |
Heather Miller Rubens is the Associate Director and Roman Catholic Scholar at the Institute for Christian & Jewish Studies ( She holds degrees from Georgetown University (B.A.), the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (G.Dip.), and the University of Chicago (A.M. and Ph.D.). In her research she explores how religious minority communities navigate their political, legal, and cultural space in light of the experience of other minority communities. She focuses on the history of Catholic-Jewish relations in the British Empire, and how the histories of anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism relate in the larger Anglophone world. While her research focuses on exhuming historical instances of analogical reasoning between Jews and Roman Catholics in the British Empire, the theoretical aspects of her research translate into contemporary interreligious dialogue: when, where and how can two religious communities understand an affinity between themselves? She has been an adjunct professor at Lewis University, DePaul University and St. Mary’s Seminary. Dr. Rubens is a member of the Committee on Ethics, Religion and the Holocaust at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Some of her recent publications include: “Something has gone Wrong: The JFS Case and Defining Jewish Identity in the Courtroom, “Interreligious Dialogue in a Post-Nostra Aetate Church: The Tension between Mutuality and Evangelization” in Visions of Hope: Emerging Theologians and the Future of the Church and A “Judeo-Christian” Myth of Disestablishment: The Legacy of McGowan v. Maryland.
Dr. John T. Pawlikowski, O.S.M. |
John T. Pawlikowski, a priest of the Servite Order, serves as Professor of Social Ethics at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where he also directs the Catholic-Jewish Studies Program in the school's Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Center. He served for six years as President of the International Council of Christians & Jews. He was also appointed by President Jimmy Carter to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council and reappointed for three successive terms by Presidents George Bush and Bill Clinton. He is the author/editor of more than fifteen books including The Challenge of the Holocaust for Christian Theology, Christ in the Light of the Christian-Jewish Dialogue, Jesus and the Theology of Israel, Biblical and Theological Reflections on The Challenge of Peace, Justice in the Marketplace: CTU’s Pastoral Commentary on the Bishops’ letter on the Economy, The Ecological Challenge: Ethical, Liturgical, and Spiritual Responses, Reinterpreting Revelation and Tradition: Jews and Christians in Conversation, Good and Evil after Auschwitz, and Ethics in the Shadow of the Holocaust. |
Dr. Peter A. Pettit |
Peter A. Pettit is director of the Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Associate Professor of Religion Studies at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. He is a Lutheran pastor and a theological advisor to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the International Council of Christians and Jews, and the World Council of Churches. He has been an International Fellow of the Shalom Hartman Institute, Jerusalem, since 1984 and co-leads its annual theological conference. From 2002 to 2006, he was the founding chair of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations. Pettit holds the Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University and has held residential fellowships at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, American Jewish University in Los Angeles, and the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. His research focuses on the hermeneutics of self-understanding in Jewish and Christian communities, particularly as they relate to one another, and includes biblical studies, theology, liturgy, and Israel studies. He is a contributor to the Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations (Cambridge 2005), Seeing Judaism Anew (Rowman and Littlefield 2005) and Covenantal Conversations (Fortress 2008), and co-authored Talking Points: Topics in Jewish-Christian Relations for the ELCA. He has designed and authored curriculum resources for interfaith encounter at the IJCU. His articles on interfaith relations and hermeneutics include “Christ Alone, the Hidden God, and Lutheran Exclusivism” (Word & World, 1991), “Along the Way to a Clearer Mutual Understanding” (CCAJ Journal, 2005), and “Christian Zionism and Christian-Jewish Relations” (Journal of Lutheran Ethics, 2007). |
Dr. Elena Procario-Foley |
Elena Procario-Foley is the Brother John G. Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies at Iona College in New Rochelle, New York. She holds Ph.D. and MA degrees in theology from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. Her dissertation explored the Christology of the Flemish Dominican Edward Schillebeeckx. For the past twelve years she has worked to re-vision theology through the lens of Jewish-Christian reconciliation. Since 1999, Procario-Foley has served as the Driscoll Professor of Jewish-Catholic Studies at Iona College. Among other publications, she is the author of “Heir or Orphan? Theological Evolution and Devolution Before and After Nostra Aetate” in The Church of the Future, Annual Volume 51 of the College Theology Society, William Madges, ed.. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press, 2006). She has co-edited Frontiers in Catholic Feminist Theology: Shoulder to Shoulder (Fortress Press, Oct 2009); her chapter in that book is “Liberating Jesus: Christian Feminism and Anti-Judaism.” She is also editor of a forthcoming volume Children of the Living God: Explorations in Jewish-Catholic Dialogue (in development with Paulist Press). She was visiting scholar at the Siena College Kieval Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies in 2007, has lectured at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City, and frequently speaks for parishes and synagogues. Procario-Foley leads annual study-abroad courses for undergraduate students to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Procario-Foley is the past chair of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations and former secretary of the College Theology Society. She also serves on the boards of the Catholic Theological Society of America, the Stimulus Foundation of Paulist Press and the Manhattan College Holocaust Resource Center. Most recently, she completed the 13 month Christian Leadership Initiative, a fellowship sponsored by the American Jewish Committee and the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, Israel. |
Dr. Jean-Pierre Ruiz |
Jean-Pierre Ruiz is Director of the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies at St. John's University. An Associate Professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, he is also a Senior Fellow of the Vincentian Center for Church and Society. Ruiz earned the doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, and his research interests include biblical studies (prophetic and apocalyptic literature, Hispanic theology, and interfaith relations. His publications include Readings from the Edges: The Bible and People on the Move (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2011), as well as The Word of God and Latino Catholics: The Teachings of the Road to Emmaus, edited with Mario J. Paredes (New York: American Bible Society, 2012). A Past-President of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States, he is editor in chief of the Journal of Hispanic / Latino Theology (
Jewish Consultors to the CSG |
Dr. Adam Gregerman |
Adam Gregerman is Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and Co-Director of the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations of Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. He serves as Vice-Chair of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations. He is a member of the Committee on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and book review editor of the journal Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations. He is also an academic consultant to national and regional Jewish groups on interreligious affairs, including the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the National Council of Synagogues. Awarded his Ph.D. in Religion by Columbia University in 2007, he is the author of numerous scholarly articles, including most recently, “The Desirability of Jewish Conversion to Christianity in Contemporary Catholic Thought,” Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society 45 (2018) 249-86; “Is the Biblical Land Promise Irrevocable?: Post-Nostra Aetate Catholic Theologies of the Jewish Covenant and the Land of Israel,” Modern Theology 34 (2018) 173-58; and with Philip A. Cunningham, “‘Genuine Brotherhood’ without Remorse: A Commentary on Joseph Ratzinger’s ‘Comments on De Iudaeis,’” Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations (2019).
Dr. Ruth Langer |
Ruth Langer is Professor of Jewish Studies in the Theology Department at Boston College and Associate Director of its Center for Christian-Jewish Learning. She is also chair of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations and co-editor of the Council's journal Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations. She received her Ph.D. in Jewish Liturgy in 1994 and her rabbinic ordination in 1986 from Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. She is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She writes and speaks in two major areas: the development of Jewish liturgy and ritual; and Christian-Jewish relations. Her book, Cursing the Christians?: A History of the Birkat HaMinim (Oxford University Press, 2012), combines these two interests, tracing the transformations of a Jewish prayer that was, until modernity, a curse of Christians. She is also author of To Worship God Properly: Tensions between Liturgical Custom and Halakhah in Judaism, published in 1998 (Hebrew Union College Press). and most recently, Jewish Liturgy: A Guide to Research (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), an annotated bibliography of over 1000 entries of English-language studies of Jewish liturgy accessible to those from outside the Jewish Studies world. She also co-edited Liturgy in the Life of the Synagogue (Eisenbrauns, 2005) and has published a long list of articles. |