Public Remarks on Israel-Hamas War: October 2023-present

[The following remarks made by Pope Francis after traditional weekly audiences, prayers, or messages are excerpted from the Vatican website.]


Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, October 8, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters, I am following apprehensively and sorrowfully what is happening in Israel where violence has exploded yet more ferociously, causing hundreds of deaths and injured. I express my closeness to the families of the victims. I am praying for them and for all who are living hours of terror and anguish. May the attacks and weapons stop. Please! And may it be understood that terrorism and war do not lead to any resolutions, but only to the death and suffering of  many innocent people. War is a defeat! Every war is a defeat. Let us pray that there be peace in Israel and in Palestine.

General Audience, October 11, 2023

I continue to follow what is happening in Israel and Palestine with tears and apprehension: many people killed, others injured. I pray for those families who have seen a day of celebration turn into a day of mourning, and I ask that the hostages be released immediately. It is the right of those who are attacked to defend themselves, but I am very concerned about the total siege under which the Palestinians are living in Gaza, where there have also been many innocent victims. Terrorism and extremism do not help reach a solution to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, but fuel hatred, violence and revenge, and only cause suffering to both. The Middle East does not need war, but peace, a peace built on justice, dialogue and the courage of fraternity.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, October 15, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters, I continue to follow with great sorrow what is happening in Israel and Palestine. I think again of the many [people] … in particular of the children and the elderly. I renew my appeal for the release of the hostages, and I strongly ask that children, the sick, the elderly, women, and all civilians not be made victims of the conflict. May Humanitarian Law be respected, especially in Gaza, where it is urgent and necessary to ensure humanitarian corridors and to come to the aid of the entire population. Brothers and sisters, many have already died. Please, let no more innocent blood be shed, neither in the Holy Land nor in Ukraine, nor in any other place! Enough! Wars are always a defeat, always!

Prayer is the meek and holy force to oppose the diabolical force of hatred, terrorism and war. I invite all believers to join with the Church in the Holy Land and to dedicate next Tuesday, 17 October, to prayer and fasting.

General Audience, October 18, 2023

Today too, dear brothers and sisters, our thoughts turn to Palestine and Israel. The number of victims is rising and the situation in Gaza is desperate. Please, let everything possible be done to avoid a humanitarian disaster.

The possible widening of the conflict is disturbing, while so many war fronts are already open in the world. May weapons fall silent! Let us heed the cry for peace of populations, of the people, of the children! Brothers and sisters, war does not solve any problem: it sows only death and destruction, foments hate and proliferates revenge. War cancels out the future. I urge believers to take just one side in this conflict: that of peace. But not with words — with prayer, with total dedication.

With this in mind, I have decided to call for a day of fasting and prayer, of penance, on Friday 27 October, to which I invite sisters and brothers of the various Christian denominations, those belonging to other religions and all those who have at heart the cause of peace in the world, to join in as they see fit. That evening, at 6 p.m., at Saint Peter’s, we will spend an hour of prayer, in a spirit of penance, to implore peace in our time, peace in this world. I ask all the particular Churches to participate by arranging similar activities involving the People of God.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, October 22, 2023

Once more my thoughts turn to what is happening in Israel and Palestine. I am very concerned, grieved. I pray and I am close to all those who are suffering:  the hostages, the wounded, the victims and their relatives. I think of the serious humanitarian situation in Gaza and I am saddened that the Anglican hospital and the Greek-Orthodox parish have also been hit in recent days. I renew my appeal for spaces to be opened, for humanitarian aid to continue to arrive, and for the hostages to be freed.

War, any war that there is in the world – I also think of tormented Ukraine – is a defeat. War is always a defeat; it is a destruction of human fraternity. Brothers, stop! Stop!

I remind you that next Friday, 27 October, I have proclaimed a day of fasting, prayer and penance, and that evening at 18.00 in Saint Peter’s Square we will spend an hour in prayer to implore peace in the world.

General Audience, October 25, 2023

I think always of the grave situation in Palestine and Israel: I encourage the release of the hostages and the entry of humanitarian aid in Gaza. I continue to pray for those who suffer, and to hope for paths of peace in the Middle East, in beleaguered Ukraine, and in other regions afflicted by war. I remind you all that the day after tomorrow, Friday 27 October, will be a day of fasting, prayer and penance: at 18.00, in Saint Peter’s Square, we will gather together to implore peace in the world.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, October 29, 2023

I thank all those who -- in so many places and in various ways – united themselves to the day of fasting, prayer and penance that we lived last Friday, imploring peace for the world. Let us not stop. Let us continue to pray for Ukraine, as well as for the serious situation in Palestine and Israel, and for other regions at war. Particularly, in Gaza, may space be opened to guarantee humanitarian aid, and may the hostages be released right away. Let no one abandon the possibility that the weapons might be silenced – let there be a ceasefire. Father Ibrahim Faltas, whom I heard recently on the program A Sua Immagine, Father Ibrahim was saying: “Let the arms cease! Let the arms cease!” He is the vicar of the Holy Land. With Father Ibrahim, let us too say: let the arms cease. Stop, brothers and sisters! war is always a defeat — always!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, November 5, 2023

I continue to think about the serious situation in Palestine and in Israel where many, many people have lost their lives. In God’s name, I beg you to stop: cease using weapons! I hope that avenues will be pursued so that an escalation of the conflict might be absolutely avoided, so that the wounded can be rescued and help might get to the population of Gaza where the humanitarian situation is extremely serious. May the hostages be freed immediately. There are also many children among them – may they return to their families! Yes, let’s think of the children, of all the children affected by this war, as well as in Ukraine and by other conflicts: this is how their future is being killed. Let us pray that there might be the strength to say, “enough”.

Excerpts from Address to a Delegation of the Conference of European Rabbis, November 6, 2023 (full text

My first thought and prayer goes, above all else, to everything that has happened in the last few weeks. Yet again violence and war have erupted in that Land blessed by the Most High, which seems continually assailed by the vileness of hatred and the deadly clash of weapons. The spread of anti-Semitic demonstrations, which I strongly condemn, is also of great concern. ...

In this time in which we are witnessing violence and destruction, we believers are called to build fraternity and open paths of reconciliation for all and before all, in the name of the Almighty who, as another prophet says, has “plans for welfare and not for evil” (Jer 29:11). Not weapons, not terrorism, not war, but compassion, justice and dialogue are the fitting means for building peace.

I would like to reflect on the art of dialogue. ... The word “dialogue” etymologically means “through the word”. The Word of the Most High is the light that illumines the paths of life (cf. Ps 119:105): it directs our own steps to the search for our neighbour, to acceptance and to patience; certainly not to the brusque passion of vengeance and the folly of bitter hatred. How important it is, therefore, for us believers to be witnesses of dialogue!

If we apply these observations to the context of Jewish-Christian dialogue, we can say that we draw near to each other through encounter, listening and fraternal exchange, acknowledging ourselves to be servants and disciples of that divine Word, the living channel from which our words spring forth. In this way, in order to become builders of peace, we are called to be builders of dialogue, not only with our own strengths and abilities, but with the help of the Almighty. Indeed, “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain” (Ps 127:1).

The dialogue with Judaism is particularly important for us Christians, because we have Jewish roots. Jesus was born and lived as a Jew; he himself is the first guarantor of the Jewish heritage at the centre of Christianity and we who are Christians need you, dear brothers. We need Judaism to understand ourselves better. It is therefore important that Jewish Christian dialogue should keep its theological dimension alive, while continuing to face social, cultural and political questions. ...

Dear brothers, we are linked to each other before the one God; together we are called to bear witness to his word with our dialogue and to his peace with our actions. May the Lord of history and life grant us the courage and the patience to do so. Shalom!

General Audience, November 8, 2023

Let us think about and pray for the people suffering from war. Let us not forget martyred Ukraine and let us think about the Palestinian and the Israeli peoples: may the Lord lead us to a just peace. There is so much suffering: children suffer, the sick suffer, the elderly, and so many young people are dying. War is always a defeat: let us not forget. It is always a defeat.

Message to the Paris Peace Forum, November 10, 2023 [excerpt] 

While reaffirming the inalienable right to self-defence and the responsibility to protect those whose lives are threatened, we must acknowledge that war is always a “defeat of humanity” (General Audience, 23 March 2022). No war is worth the tears of a mother who has seen her child mutilated or killed; no war is worth the loss of the life of even one human being, a sacred being created in the image and likeness of the Creator; no war is worth the poisoning of our common home; and no war is worth the despair of those who are forced to leave their homeland and are deprived, from one moment to the next, of their home and all the family, friendship, social and cultural ties that have been built up, sometimes over generations.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, November 12, 2023

For some months Sudan has been in the throes of a civil war that shows no sign of abating, and which is causing numerous victims, millions of internally displaced people and refugees in neighbouring countries, and a very grave humanitarian situation. I am close to the sufferings of those dear populations of Sudan, and I address a heartfelt appeal to local leaders to facilitate access to humanitarian aid and, with the contribution of the international community, to work in search of peaceful solutions. Let us not forget these brothers and sisters of ours who are in distress!

And our thoughts turn every day to the very serious situation in Israel and in Palestine. I am close to all those who are suffering, Palestinians and Israelis. I embrace them in this dark moment. And I pray for them a lot. May the weapons be stopped: they will never lead to peace, and may the conflict not widen! Enough! Enough, brothers! In Gaza, let the wounded be rescued immediately, let civilians be protected, let far more humanitarian aid be allowed to reach that stricken population. May the hostages be freed, including the elderly and children. Every human being, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, of any people or religion, every human being is sacred, is precious in the eyes of God and has the right to live in peace. Let us not lose hope: let us pray and work tirelessly so that the sense of humanity may prevail over hardness of heart.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, November 19, 2023

I reiterate my closeness to the dear people of Myanmar, who unfortunately continue to suffer from violence and abuse. I pray that they are not discouraged and trust always in the help of the Lord.

And, brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray for tormented Ukraine – I can see the flags here – and for the populations of Palestine and Israel. Peace is possible. It takes good will. Peace is possible. Let us not resign ourselves to war! And let us not forget that war is always, always, always a defeat. The only ones to gain are arms manufacturers.

Video Prayer for Peace, November 22, 2023

We all feel the pain of the wars. You know that since the Second World War ended until today, wars have followed in many parts of the world. When they are far away from us, we do not feel them as much. Today there are two very near that force us to react: Ukraine and the Holy Land. What is happening in the Holy Land is very painful. It is very painful. The Palestinian people, the people of Israel, have the right to peace. They have the right to live in peace. These are two fraternal peoples. Let us pray for peace in the Holy Land. Let us pray that the difficulties resolve themselves in dialogue and negotiation and not with a mountain of dead on each side. Please, let us pray for peace in the Holy Land. [VIDEO from Vatican News.]

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, November 26, 2023

Yesterday tormented Ukraine commemorated the Holodomor, the genocide perpetrated by the Soviet regime which, 90 years ago, caused millions of people to starve to death. That lacerating wound, instead of healing, is made even more painful by the atrocities of the war that continues to make that dear nation suffer. For all peoples torn apart by conflicts, let us continue to pray tirelessly, because prayer is the force of peace that stops the spiral of hatred, that breaks the cycle of revenge and opens up unexpected paths of reconciliation. Today let us thank God that there is finally a truce between Israel and Palestine, and some hostages have been freed. Let us pray that they will all be freed as soon as possible – think of their families! –, that more humanitarian aid will enter Gaza, and that dialogue is insisted upon: it is the only way, the only way to achieve peace. Those do not want dialogue do not want peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 3, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

In Israel and Palestine the situation is serious. It pains us that the truce has been broken: this means death, destruction, misery. Many hostages have been freed, but many are still in Gaza. Let us think about them, their families who had seen a light, a hope to embrace their loved ones again. In Gaza there is much suffering; there is a lack of basic necessities. I hope that all those who are involved may reach a new ceasefire agreement as soon as possible and find solutions other than weapons, trying to take courageous paths to peace. 

I wish to assure my prayer for the victims of the attack that occurred this morning in the Philippines, where a bomb exploded during Mass. I am close to the families and the people of Mindanao, who have already suffered so much.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 10, 2023

And we continue to pray for the populations who are suffering because of war. We are heading toward Christmas: Are we able, with God’s help, to take concrete steps of peace? It is not easy; we know that. Certain conflicts have historically deep roots. But we also have the testimony of men and women who have worked wisely and patiently for peaceful coexistence. Let their example be followed! Let every effort be put toward addressing and removing the causes of conflict, while at the same time – speaking of human rights – protecting civilians, hospitals, places of worship, freeing hostages and guaranteeing human rights. Let us not forget battered Ukraine, Palestine, Israel.

General Audience, December 13, 2023

I am continuing to follow the war in Israel and in Palestine, with great concern.

I renew my appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. There is much suffering there. I encourage all the parties involved to resume negotiations, and I ask everyone to make an urgent commitment to ensure that humanitarian aid will reach the people of Gaza, who are at the end of their tether and in great need of it.

May all the hostages be freed. They had seen some hope in the recent truce. May the enormous suffering of the Israelis and the Palestinians end.

Please: no to weapons, yes to peace!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 17, 2023

Today I want to remember the thousands of migrants who try to cross through the Darién jungle between Colombia and Panama. It’s often families with children who venture along dangerous paths, deceived by those who falsely promise them short and safe passage, mistreated and robbed. Not a few lose their lives in the jungle. Combined efforts are needed by the countries more directly affected and the international community to prevent this tragic situation from passing unnoticed, and to provide together a humanitarian response.

And let us not forget our brothers and sisters who are suffering because of war, in Ukraine, in Palestine and Israel, and in other conflict zones. As Christmas approaches, may the dedication to open paths of peace be strengthened.

I continue receiving very serious and sad news about Gaza. Unarmed civilians are targets for bombs and gunfire. And this has happened even within the parish complex of the Holy Family, where there are no terrorists, but families, children, people who are sick and have disabilities, sisters. A mother and her daughter, Mrs. Nahida Khalil Anton and her daughter Samar Kamal Anton, were killed, and other people were wounded by the shooters while they were going to the bathroom… The house of the Sisters of Mother Teresa was damaged, their generator was hit. Some are saying, “This is terrorism and war”. Yes, it is war, it is terrorism. That is why Scripture says that “God puts an end to war…the bow he breaks and the spear he snaps” (cf. Ps 46:9). Let us pray to the Lord for peace.

General Audience, December 20, 2023

Let us not forget the people and peoples who are suffering from the evils of war. Wars are always a defeat. Let us not forget this. A defeat. The only ones who benefit are arms manufacturers. Please let us think of Palestine and Israel. Let us think of Ukraine — the Ambassador is here — martyred Ukraine that suffers greatly. And let us think of children in wars — the things they see. Let us go to the Nativity scene and ask Jesus for peace. He is the Prince of Peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 24, 2023

I wish you all a happy Sunday and a Christmas Eve in prayer, in the warmth of affection, and in soberness. Let me make one recommendation: let us not confuse celebration with consumerism! We can – and as Christians we must – celebrate in simplicity, without waste, and by sharing with those who lack necessities or lack companionship. We are close to our brothers and sisters who suffer from war. We think of Palestine, Israel, Ukraine. We also think of those who suffer from misery, from hunger, from slavery. May the God who took a human heart for Himself infuse humanity into the hearts of men!

Urbi et Orbi Message, December 25, 2023 (excerpted) 

The eyes and the hearts of Christians throughout the world turn to Bethlehem; in these days, it is a place of sorrow and silence, yet it was there that the long-awaited message was first proclaimed: “To you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord” (Lk 2:11). Those words spoken by the angel in the heavens above Bethlehem are also spoken to us. We are full of hope and trust as we realize that the Lord has been born for us; that the eternal Word of the Father, the infinite God, has made his home among us. He became flesh; he came “to dwell among us” (Jn 1:14). This is the good news that changed the course of history! ... Brothers and sisters, today in Bethlehem, amid the deep shadows covering the land, an undying flame has been lighted. Today the world’s darkness has been overcome by the light of God, which “enlightens every man and woman” (Jn 1:9). Brothers and sisters, let us exult in this gift of grace! Rejoice, you who have lost confidence in your certitudes, for you are not alone: Christ is born for you! Rejoice, you who have abandoned all hope, for God offers you his outstretched hand; he does not point a finger at you, but offers you his little baby hand, in order to set you free from your fears, to relieve you of your burdens and to show you that, in his eyes, you are more valuable than anything else. Rejoice, you who find no peace of heart, for the ancient prophecy of Isaiah has been fulfilled for your sake: “a child has been born for us, a son given to us, and he is named… Prince of Peace” (9:6). Scripture reveals that his peace, his kingdom, “will have no end” (9:7).

In the Scriptures, the Prince of Peace is opposed by the “Prince of this world” (Jn 12:31), who, by sowing the seeds of death, plots against the Lord, “the lover of life” (cf. Wis 11:26). We see this played out in Bethlehem, where the birth of the Saviour is followed by the slaughter of the innocents. How many innocents are being slaughtered in our world! In their mothers’ wombs, in odysseys undertaken in desperation and in search of hope, in the lives of all those little ones whose childhood has been devastated by war. They are the little Jesuses of today, these little ones whose childhood has been devastated by war.

To say “yes” to the Prince of Peace, then, means saying “no” to war, to every war and to do so with courage, to the very mindset of war, an aimless voyage, a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly. This is what war is: an aimless voyage, a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly. To say “no” to war means saying “no” to weaponry. The human heart is weak and impulsive; if we find instruments of death in our hands, sooner or later we will use them. And how can we even speak of peace, when arms production, sales and trade are on the rise? Today, as at the time of Herod, the evil that opposes God’s light hatches its plots in the shadows of hypocrisy and concealment. How much violence and killing takes place amid deafening silence, unbeknownst to many! People, who desire not weapons but bread, who struggle to make ends meet and desire only peace, have no idea how many public funds are being spent on arms. Yet that is something they ought to know! It should be talked about and written about, so as to bring to light the interests and the profits that move the puppet-strings of war.

Isaiah, who prophesied the Prince of Peace, looked forward to a day when “nation shall not lift up sword against nation”, a day when men “will not learn war any more”, but instead “beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks” (2:4). With God’s help, let us make every effort to work for the coming of that day!

May it come in Israel and Palestine, where war is devastating the lives of those peoples. I embrace them all, particularly the Christian communities of Gaza, the parish of Gaza, and the entire Holy Land. My heart grieves for the victims of the abominable attack of 7 October last, and I reiterate my urgent appeal for the liberation of those still being held hostage. I plead for an end to the military operations with their appalling harvest of innocent civilian victims, and call for a solution to the desperate humanitarian situation by an opening to the provision of humanitarian aid. May there be an end to the fueling of violence and hatred. And may the Palestinian question come to be resolved through sincere and persevering dialogue between the parties, sustained by strong political will and the support of the international community. Brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace in Palestine and in Israel.

My thoughts turn likewise to the people of war-torn Syria, and to those of long-suffering Yemen. I think too of the beloved Lebanese people, and I pray that political and social stability will soon be attained.

Contemplating the Baby Jesus, I implore peace for Ukraine. Let us renew our spiritual and human closeness to its embattled people, so that through the support of each of us, they may feel the concrete reality of God’s love. ...

General Audience, January 3, 2024

And let us not forget about people who are experiencing war. War is madness. War is always a defeat. Let us pray. Let us pray for the people in Palestine, in Israel, in Ukraine and in many other places where there is war. And let us not forget our Rohingya brothers who are being persecuted.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 6, 2024 

Sixty years ago, in these very days, Pope Saint Paul VI and the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras met in Jerusalem, breaking down a wall of incommunicability that had kept Catholics and Orthodox apart for centuries. Let us learn from the embrace of those two great men of the Church on the path to Christian unity, praying together, walking together, working together.

And thinking of that historic gesture of fraternity in Jerusalem, let us pray for peace, for peace in the Middle East, in Palestine, in Israel, in Ukraine, all over the world. So many victims of war, so many deaths, so much destruction… Let us pray for peace. I express my closeness to the Iranian people, in particular the relatives of the many victims of the terrorist attack that occurred in Kerman, the many who were injured and all those who were affected by this great suffering.

Address to Members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See, January 8, 2024  [Full Text]

... Here, in your presence, I cannot fail to reiterate my deep concern regarding the events taking place in Palestine and Israel. All of us remain shocked by the October 7 attack on the Israeli people, in which great numbers of innocent persons were horribly wounded, tortured, and murdered, and many taken hostage. I renew my condemnation of this act and of every instance of terrorism and extremism. This is not the way to resolve disputes between peoples; those disputes are only aggravated and cause suffering for everyone. Indeed, the attack provoked a strong Israeli military response in Gaza that has led to the death of tens of thousands of Palestinians, mainly civilians, including many young people and children, and has caused an exceptionally grave humanitarian crisis and inconceivable suffering.

To all the parties involved I renew my appeal for a cease-fire on every front, including Lebanon, and the immediate liberation of all the hostages held in Gaza. I ask that the Palestinian people receive humanitarian aid, and that hospitals, schools and places of worship receive all necessary protection.

It is my hope that the international community will pursue with determination the solution of two states, one Israeli and one Palestinian, as well as an internationally guaranteed special status for the City of Jerusalem, so that Israelis and Palestinians may finally live in peace and security.

The present conflict in Gaza further destabilizes a fragile and tension-filled region. In particular, we cannot forget the Syrian people, living in a situation of economic and political instability aggravated by last February’s earthquake. May the international community encourage the parties involved to undertake a constructive and serious dialogue and to seek new solutions, so that the Syrian people need no longer suffer as a result of international sanctions. In addition, I express my profound distress for the millions of Syrian refugees still present in neighbouring countries like Jordan and Lebanon.

I think in a special way of the beloved Lebanese people, and I express my concern for the social and economic situation that they are experiencing. It is my hope that the institutional stalemate that has even further burdened them will be resolved and that the Land of Cedars will soon have a President. 


Moreover, modern wars no longer take place only on clearly defined battlefields, nor do they involve soldiers alone. In a context where it appears that the distinction between military and civil objectives is no longer respected, there is no conflict that does not end up in some way indiscriminately striking the civilian population. The events in Ukraine and Gaza are clear proof of this. We must not forget that grave violations of international humanitarian law are war crimes, and that it is not sufficient to point them out, but also necessary to prevent them. Consequently, there is a need for greater effort on the part of the international community to defend and implement humanitarian law, which seems to be the only way to ensure the defence of human dignity in situations of warfare.

At the beginning of this year, the exhortation of the Second Vatican Council in Gaudium et Spes seems especially timely: “On the question of warfare, there are various international conventions, signed by many countries, aimed at rendering military action and its consequences less inhuman… These agreements must be honoured; indeed public authorities and specialists in these matters must do all in their power to improve these conventions and thus bring about a better and more effective curbing of the savagery of war”. Even when exercising the right of legitimate defence, it is essential to adhere to a proportionate use of force.

Perhaps we need to realize more clearly that civilian victims are not “collateral damage”, but men and woman, with names and surnames, who lose their lives. They are children who are orphaned and deprived of their future. They are individuals who suffer from hunger, thirst and cold, or are mutilated as an effect of the power of modern explosives. Were we to be able to look each of them in the eye, call them by name, and learn something of their personal history, we would see war for what it is: nothing other than an immense tragedy, a “useless slaughter”, one that offends the dignity of every person on this earth. 


The path to peace also passes through interreligious dialogue, which before all else requires the protection of religious freedom and respect for minorities.  It is painful to note, for example, that an increasing number of countries are adopting models of centralized control over religious freedom, especially by the massive use of technology. In other places, minority religious communities often find themselves in increasingly precarious situations. In some cases, they risk extinction due to a combination of terrorism, attacks on their cultural heritage and more subtle measures such as the proliferation of anti-conversion laws, the manipulation of electoral rules and financial restrictions.

Of particular concern is the rise in acts of anti-Semitism in recent months. Once again, I would reiterate that this scourge must be eliminated from society, especially through education in fraternity and acceptance of others.

Equally troubling is the increase in persecution and discrimination against Christians, especially over the last ten years. At times, this involves nonviolent but socially significant cases of gradual marginalization and exclusion from political and social life and from the exercise of certain professions, even in traditionally Christian lands. Altogether, more than 360 million Christians around the world are experiencing a high level of discrimination and persecution because of their faith, with more and more of them being forced to flee their homelands. ...

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Jubilee [year] is a season of grace that enables us to experience God’s mercy and the gift of his peace. It is also a season of righteousness, in which sins are forgiven, reconciliation prevails over injustice, and the earth can be at rest. For everyone – Christians and non-Christians – the Jubilee can be a time when swords are beaten into ploughshares, a time when one nation will no longer lift up sword against another, nor learn war any more (cf. Is 2:4).

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 14, 2024

And let us not forget those who suffer the cruelty of war in so many parts of the world, especially in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel. At the beginning of the year, we exchanged wishes of peace, but weapons continue to kill and destroy. Let us pray that those who have power over these conflicts reflect on the fact that war is not the way to resolve them, because it sows death among civilians and destroys cities and infrastructure. In other words, today war is in itself a crime against humanity. Let us not forget this: war is in itself a crime against humanity. Peoples need peace! The world needs peace! I heard, a few minutes ago, on the programme “A Sua Immagine”, Father Faltas, vicar of the Custody of the Holy Land in Jerusalem: he spoke about educating for peace. We must educate for peace. We can see that we – humanity as a whole – are not yet educated enough to stop all war. Let us always pray for this grace: to educate for peace.

General Audience, January 17, 2024

I express my sympathy and solidarity with the victims, all civilians, of the rocket attack that hit an urban area of Erbil, capital of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan. Good relations between neighbours are not built with such actions but with dialogue and cooperation. I ask everyone to avoid any step that increases tension in the Middle East and other scenarios of war. ... And let us not forget the countries that are at war, let us not forget Ukraine, let us not forget Palestine, Israel, let us not forget the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip who are suffering so much. Let us pray for so many victims of war, so many victims. War always destroys, war does not sow love, it sows hatred. War is a true human defeat. Let us pray for the people who suffer in war.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 21, 2024

In these days, let us pray especially for Christian unity, and let us never tire of invoking the Lord for peace in Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, and in many other parts of the world: it is always the weakest who suffer the lack of it. I am thinking of the little ones, of the many injured and killed children, of those deprived of affection, deprived of dreams and of a future. Let us feel the responsibility to pray and build peace for them!

General Audience, January 24, 2024

Next Saturday, 27 January, marks the International Day of Commemoration in memory of victims of the Holocaust. May the remembrance and condemnation of that horrible extermination of millions of Jewish people and those of other faiths, which occurred in the first half of the last century, help us all not to forget that the logic of hatred and violence can never be justified, because they negate our very humanity.

* * *

War itself is a negation of humanity. Let us not tire of praying for peace, for an end to conflicts, for a halt to weapons and for relief for stricken populations. I am thinking of the Middle East, of Palestine, of Israel, I am thinking of the disturbing news coming from tormented Ukraine, especially the bombings that hit places frequented by civilians, sowing death, destruction and suffering. I pray for the victims and their loved ones, and I implore everyone, especially those with political responsibility, to protect human life by putting an end to wars. Let us not forget: war is always a defeat, always. The only “winners” - in inverted commas - are the arms manufacturers.

Message on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 27, 2024 [transcribed from a video message from Vatican News] 

Be aware of how this path of death, extermination and brutality began. [Intercut images of headlines saying, "Towards the 'exportation of Semites' from Germany," "Forgetting the law of charity," and "Developments regarding the Jewish question"  ] Remembrance is an expression of humanity. Remembrance is a sign of civilization. Remembrance is a condition for a better future of peace and fraternity" [intercut with images of Auschwitz-Birkenau]. 

In a January 27 tweet: "May our remembrance and condemnation of the horrible extermination of millions of Jews and people of other faiths, during the last century, help us all not forget that hatred and violence can never be justified, because it denies our very humanity. #WeRemember."

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 28, 2024

For three years now, the cries of pain and the noise of weapons have replaced the smiles that used to characterize the people of Myanmar. I join the call of some Burmese bishops "in order that weapons of destruction may be transformed into instruments for the growth of humanity and justice." Peace is a journey, and I invite all parties involved to take steps in dialogue and to clothe themselves in understanding so that the land of Myanmar may reach the goal of fraternal reconciliation. The transit of humanitarian aid must be allowed, in order to ensure that the basic necessities of every person may be met.

The same must happen in the Middle East, in Palestine and Israel, and wherever there is conflict: the populations must be respected! I always think intensely of all victims, especially of those who are civilians, who are killed by the war in Ukraine. Please, listen to their cry for peace: it is the cry of the people, who are tired of violence and want the war to stop. It is a disaster for the peoples and a defeat for humanity!

To My Jewish Brothers and Sisters in Israel, Febuary 2, 2024

[This is a reply to the November 12, 2023 "Open Letter to His Holiness, Pope Francis, and the Faithful of the Catholic Church" that was signed by over four hundreds Jewish scholars and rabbis. 

General Audience, February 7, 2024 

And let us not forget about the wars, let us not forget tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, the Rohingyas, the many, many wars that are everywhere. Let us pray for peace. War is always a defeat, always. Let us pray for peace. We need peace!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, February 11, 2024

[O]n this Day, brothers and sisters, we cannot remain silent about the fact that there are many people today who are denied the right to [health] care, and thus the right to life! I am thinking of those who live in extreme poverty; but I am also thinking of war zones: fundamental human rights are violated there every day! It is intolerable. Let us pray for martyred Ukraine, for Palestine and Israel, let us pray for Myanmar and for all peoples who are tormented by war.

General Audience, February 14, 2024

[M]y thoughts turn to young people, to the elderly, to the sick and to newlyweds. Lent begins today. Let us prepare ourselves to experience this time as an opportunity for conversion and inner renewal, in listening to the Word of God, and in caring for our brothers and sisters who are most in need. And let us never forget tormented Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, which are all suffering a great deal. Let us pray for these brothers and sisters of ours who are suffering due to war. Let us move forward in the process of conversion [repentance], in listening to the Word of God, in caring for our brothers and sisters in need; and let us move forward in intensifying our prayers, especially to ask for peace in the world.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, February 18, 2024

Let us pray for peace to return to that tormented region [of Mozambique]. And let us not forget the many other conflicts that bloody the African continent and many parts of the world: also Europe, Palestine, Ukraine...

Let us not forget: war is a defeat, always. Wherever there is fighting, the populations are exhausted, they are tired of war, which as always is useless and inconclusive, and will only bring death, only destruction, and will never bring the solution to the problems. Instead, let us pray tirelessly, because prayer is effective, and let us ask the Lord for the gift of minds and hearts that are concretely dedicated to peace.

General Audience, February 28, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, let us not forget the peoples suffering because of war: Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and so many others. And let us pray for the victims of the recent attacks on places of worship in Burkina Faso; as well as for the people of Haiti, where crimes and kidnappings by armed gangs continue.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, March 3, 2024

I carry daily in my heart, with sorrow, the suffering of the populations in Palestine and in Israel, due to the ongoing hostilities. The thousands of dead, wounded, displaced, and the immense destruction cause suffering, and this has tremendous consequences on the small and the defenceless, who see their future compromised. I ask myself: do we really think we can build a better world in this way? Do we really think we can achieve peace? Enough, please! Let us all say it: enough, please! Stop! I encourage the continuation of negotiations for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and in the entire region, so that the hostages may be freed immediately and return to their anxiously awaiting loved ones, and the civilian population can have safe access to urgently needed humanitarian aid. And please let us not forget tormented Ukraine, where so many die every day. There is so much pain there.

The 5th of March marks the second International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness. How many resources are wasted on military spending that, as a result of the current situation, sadly continues to increase! I sincerely hope that the international community understands that disarmament is first and foremost a duty: disarmament is a moral duty. Let us keep this clearly in our minds. And this requires the courage of all members of the great family of nations to move from an equilibrium of fear to an equilibrium of trust.

General Audience, March 6, 2024

Once again brothers and sisters, I renew my invitation to pray for the people who are suffering from the horror of war in Ukraine and in the Holy Land, and in other parts of the world. Let us pray for peace. Let us ask the Lord for the gift of peace!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, March 10, 2024

I affectionately welcome the Catholic community of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Rome. Let us pray for peace in this country, as well as in tormented Ukraine and in the Holy Land. May the hostilities that cause immense suffering among the civilian population cease as soon as possible.

General Audience, March 13, 2024

And please let us persevere in our heartfelt prayers for those who suffer from the terrible consequences of war. Today, they brought me a rosary and a Gospel that had belonged to a young soldier who died at the front: he used to pray with this. Many young people, many young people go to their death. Let us pray to the Lord that he may give us the grace to win against the madness of war, which is always a defeat. I offer my blessing to all of you.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, March 17, 2024

Let us continue to pray for the populations tormented by war, in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, and in Sudan. And let us not forget Syria, a country that has suffered greatly for a long time because of war.

General Audience, March 20, 2024

Let us also entrust to Saint Joseph the people of tormented Ukraine and the Holy Land — Palestine, Israel — who are greatly suffering the horror of war. And let us never forget that war is always a defeat. One cannot move forward in war. We must make every effort to negotiate, to negotiate, to end the war. Let us pray for this.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus entered Jerusalem as a humble and peaceful king; let us open our hearts to him! Only he can free us from wickedness, hatred and violence, because he is mercy and the forgiveness of sins. Let us pray for all our brothers and sisters who suffer as a result of war; in a special way, I think of tormented Ukraine, where so many people find themselves without electricity because of the intense attacks on infrastructure, which, besides causing death and suffering, bring the risk of an even greater humanitarian catastrophe. Please, let us not forget tormented Ukraine! And let us think of Gaza, which is suffering a great deal, and so many other places of war.

General Audience, March 27, 2024

Brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace. May the Lord grant us peace in tormented Ukraine, which is suffering greatly from the bombings, as well as in Israel and Palestine. May there be peace in the Holy Land. May the Lord grant us all peace, as a gift of his Easter.

Urbi et Orbi Message, March 31, 2024

Jesus alone opens up before us the doors of life, those doors that continually we shut with the wars spreading throughout the world. Today we want, first and foremost, to turn our eyes to the Holy City of Jerusalem, that witnessed the mystery of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, and to all the Christian communities of the Holy Land.

My thoughts go especially to the victims of the many conflicts worldwide, beginning with those in Israel and Palestine, and in Ukraine. May the risen Christ open a path of peace for the war-torn peoples of those regions.  In calling for respect for the principles of international law, I express my hope for a general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine: all for the sake of all!

I appeal once again that access to humanitarian aid be ensured to Gaza, and call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on 7 October last and for an immediate cease-fire in the Strip.

Let us not allow the current hostilities to continue to have grave repercussions on the civil population, by now at the limit of its endurance, and above all on the children. How much suffering we see in the eyes of the children: the children in those lands at war have forgotten how to smile! With those eyes, they ask us: Why? Why all this death? Why all this destruction?  War is always an absurdity, war is always a defeat! Let us not allow the strengthening winds of war to blow on Europe and the Mediterranean. Let us not yield to the logic of weapons and rearming. Peace is never made with arms, but with outstretched hands and open hearts.

Brothers and sisters, let us not forget Syria, which for thirteen years has suffered from the effects of a long and devastating war. So many deaths and disappearances, so much poverty and destruction, call for a response on the part of everyone, and of the international community.

My thoughts turn today in a special way to Lebanon, which has for some time experienced institutional impasse and a deepening economic and social crisis, now aggravated by the hostilities on its border with Israel. May the Risen Lord console the beloved Lebanese people and sustain the entire country in its vocation to be a land of encounter, coexistence and pluralism.

I also think in particular of the region of the Western Balkans, where significant steps are being taken towards integration in the European project. May ethnic, cultural and confessional differences not be a cause of division, but rather a source of enrichment for all of Europe and for the world as a whole.

I likewise encourage the discussions taking place between Armenia and Azerbaijan, so that, with the support of the international community, they can pursue dialogue, assist the displaced, respect the places of worship of the various religious confessions, and arrive as soon as possible at a definitive peace agreement.

May the risen Christ open a path of hope to all those who in other parts of the world are suffering from violence, conflict, food insecurity and the effects of climate change. May the Lord grant consolation to the victims of terrorism in all its forms. Let us pray for all those who have lost their lives and implore the repentance and conversion of the perpetrators of those crimes.

May the risen Lord assist the Haitian people, so that there can soon can be an end to the acts of violence, devastation and bloodshed in that country, and that it can advance on the path to democracy and fraternity.

May Christ grant consolation and strength to the Rohingya, beset by a grave humanitarian crisis, and open a path to reconciliation in Myanmar, torn for years now by internal conflicts, so that every logic of violence may be definitively abandoned.

May the Lord open paths of peace on the African continent, especially for the suffering peoples in Sudan and in the entire region of the Sahel, in the Horn of Africa, in the region of Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in the province of Capo Delgado in Mozambique, and bring an end to the prolonged situation of drought which affects vast areas and provokes famine and hunger.

May the Risen One make the light of his face shine upon migrants and on all those who are passing through a period of economic difficulty, and offer them consolation and hope in their moment of need. May Christ guide all persons of good will to unite themselves in solidarity, in order to address together the many challenges which loom over the poorest families in their search for a better life and happiness.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, April 1, 2024

I renew my Easter greetings to all, and I sincerely thank those who, in various ways, have sent me messages of closeness and prayer. May the gift of the peace of the Risen Lord be granted to these individuals, families and communities. And may this gift of peace reach where it is most needed: to the peoples exhausted by war, by hunger, by every form of oppression.

General Audience, April 3, 2024

Unfortunately, sad news continues to come from the Middle East. I reiterate my firm call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. I express my deep regret for the volunteers killed while engaged in the distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza. I pray for them and their families. I renew my appeal for the exhausted and suffering civilian population to be given access to humanitarian aid and for the hostages to be released immediately. Let us avoid all irresponsible attempts to broaden the conflict in the region, and let us work so that this and other wars that continue to bring death and suffering to so many parts of the world may end as soon as possible. Let us pray and work tirelessly for weapons to be silenced and for peace to reign once again.

And let us not forget tormented Ukraine; so many dead! I hold in my hands a rosary and a book of the New Testament left by a soldier who died in the war. This boy was called Oleksandr, Alexander, and he was 23 years old. Alexander read the New Testament and the Psalms, and in the Book of Psalms he had underlined Psalm 130: “Out of the depths I cry to thee, O Lord! Lord, hear my voice!”. This 23-year-old boy died in Avdiïvka, in the war. He had his life ahead of him. And this is his rosary and his New Testament, which he read and prayed. I would like us to take a moment of silence, all of us, thinking about this boy and many others like him who died in this folly of war. War always destroys! Let us think of them, and let us pray.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, April 7, 2024

Let us not cease to pray for peace, a just and lasting peace, especially for martyred Ukraine and for Palestine and Israel. May the Spirit of the Risen Lord enlighten and sustain those who work to reduce tensions and encourage gestures that make negotiations possible. May the Lord give leaders the ability to pause a little in order to deliberate, to negotiate.

General Audience, April 10, 2024

My thoughts turn to tormented Ukraine, and to Palestine and Israel. May the Lord give us peace! War is everywhere! Let us not forget Myanmar. But let us ask the Lord for peace, and may we not forget these brothers and sisters of ours who suffer greatly in these war-torn places. Let us pray together and always for peace. Thank you.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, April 14, 2024 [Iran launched drones and missiles against Israel on April 13] 

Dear brothers and sisters!

I am following in prayer and with concern, even pain, the news that has reached us in the last few hours regarding the worsening of the situation in Israel, due to the intervention by Iran. I make a heartfelt appeal to halt any action that might fuel a spiral of violence, with the risk of dragging the Middle East into an even greater military conflict.

No-one should threaten the existence of others. May all the nations instead take the side of peace, and help Israelis and Palestinians live in two States, side by side, in safety. It is their deep and legitimate desire, and it is their right! Two neighbouring States.

Let there be a ceasefire in Gaza soon, and let us pursue the paths of negotiation, with determination. Let us help that population, plunged into a humanitarian catastrophe; let the hostages kidnapped months ago be released! So much suffering! Let us pray for peace. No more war, no more attacks, no more violence! Yes to dialogue and yes to peace! ...

Let us pray, brothers and sisters, for the children who suffer because of the wars – there are many of them! – in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, and in other parts of the world, in Myanmar. Let us pray for them, and for peace.

General Audience, April 17, 2024

And our thoughts, at this moment, [the thoughts] of all of us, go to the peoples at war. Let us think of the Holy Land, of Palestine, of Israel. We think of Ukraine, martyred Ukraine. Let us think of the prisoners of war... May the Lord move wills so they may all be freed. And speaking of prisoners, those who are tortured come to mind. The torture of prisoners is a horrible thing. It is not human. Let us think of so many kinds of torture that wound the dignity of the person, and of so many tortured people... May the Lord help everyone and bless everyone.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, April 21, 2024

It is with concern and also with grief that I am continuing to follow the situation in the Middle East. I renew my appeal not to give in to the logic of vengeance and war. May the paths of dialogue and diplomacy, which can do so much, prevail. I pray every day for peace in Palestine and Israel, and I hope that these two peoples may stop suffering soon. And let us not forget martyred Ukraine, the martyred Ukraine which suffers so much because of the war. 

General Audience, April 24, 2024

My thoughts then turn to martyred Ukraine, to Palestine, Israel and Myanmar, which are at war, and to many other countries. War is always a defeat, and the arms manufacturers are the ones who profit the most.

Please, let us pray for peace! Let us pray for martyred Ukraine: it is suffering so, so much. Young soldiers go to die. Let us pray. And let us also pray for the Middle East, for Gaza: there is so much suffering there, in the war. For peace between Palestine and Israel, that they may be two states, free and with good relations. Let us pray for peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, April 28, 2024

I think of beleaguered Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, of the Rohingya and the many populations who suffer because of war and violence. May the God of Peace enlighten hearts so that the will for dialogue and reconciliation may grow in everyone.

General Audience, May 1, 2024

And then let us not forget to pray for peace. Let us pray for people who are victims of war. War is always a defeat — always. Let us think of tormented Ukraine which is suffering so much. Let us think of those who live in Palestine and in Israel, who are at war. Let us think of the Rohingya, of Myanmar, and let us ask for peace. Let us ask for true peace for these people and for the whole world. Sadly, today, investments in arms manufacturing are those which yield the most income. Terrible, profiting from death. Let us ask for peace, may peace advance.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, May 5, 2024

And please, continue to pray for tormented Ukraine – it suffers a great deal! – and also for Palestine and Israel, that they may be peace, that dialogue may be strengthened and bear good fruit. No to war, yes to dialogue!

General Audience, May 8, 2024

Today the Church prays the Supplication to Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii. I Invite everyone to invoke the intercession of Mary so that the Lord may grant peace to the whole world, especially to dear and martyred Ukraine, to Palestine, Israel and Myanmar.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, May 12, 2024

As we celebrate the Ascension of the Risen Lord, who frees us and wants us free, I renew my appeal for a general exchange of all the prisoners between Russia and Ukraine, assuring the willingness of the Holy See to favour any effort in this regard, especially for those who are gravely injured and ill. And let us continue to pray for peace in Ukraine, in Palestine, in Israel, in Myanmar… Let us pray for peace.

General Audience, May 15, 2024

My thoughts turn to the dear people of Afghanistan, who were severely struck by tragic floods that caused many deaths, including children, and that continue to cause the destruction of many houses. I pray for the victims, especially children and their families. And I appeal to the international community, to immediately provide aid and necessary support to protect the most vulnerable. ... 

And let us pray for peace. Let us not forget martyred Ukraine. Let us not forget Palestine, Israel and Myanmar. Let us pray for peace, let us pray for all the people who are suffering as a result of war. Altogether with all our heart; let us pray that there may be a definitive peace and no more wars. None. Because war is always a defeat. Always! I offer my blessing to all of you.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, May 19, 2024 (Pentecost) 

The Holy Spirit is He who creates harmony, harmony! And He creates it from different, at times even conflictual, realities. Today, Feast of Pentecost, let us pray to the Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and the Son, that He may create harmony in hearts, harmony in families, harmony in society, harmony in the entire world; may the Spirit make communion and fraternity grow between Christians of different denominations; give governors the courage to make gestures of dialogue, that lead to an end to wars. Today’s many wars: think of Ukraine – my thoughts go in particular to the city of Kharkiv, which suffered an attack two days ago; think of the Holy Land, of Palestine, of Israel; think of the many places where there are wars. May the Spirit guide the leaders of nations and all of us to open the doors to peace.

General Audience, May 22, 2024

Let us pray for peace. We need peace. The world is at war. Let us not forget martyred Ukraine, which is suffering a great deal. Let us not forget Palestine and Israel: may this war stop. Let us not forget Myanmar. And let us not forget the many countries at war. Brothers and sisters, we must pray for peace in this time of war all over the world.

General Audience, May 29, 2024

My thoughts go to tormented Ukraine. The other day I received little boys and girls who suffered burns, they lost their legs in the war: war is always cruel. These little boys and girls have to start walking, to move with artificial arms ... they have lost their smiles. It is very bad, very sad when a child loses their smile. Let us pray for the Ukrainian children.

And let us not forget Palestine and Israel who suffer so much: let the war end.

And let us not forget Myanmar, and so many countries that are at war.

Children suffer, children in war suffer. Let us pray to the Lord to be close to all and give us the grace of peace. Amen.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, June 2, 2024 (Corpus Christi) 

I invite you to pray for Sudan, where the war that has been going on for over a year still has not found a peaceful solution. May the weapons be silenced and, with the commitment of the local authorities and the international community, help be brought to the population and the many displaced people; may the Sudanese refugees find welcome and protection in neighbouring countries.

And let us not forget tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar. I appeal to the wisdom of governors to cease the escalation and to put every effort into dialogue and negotiation.

General Audience, June 5, 2024

Let us ask the Lord, through his mother’s intercession, for peace. Peace in martyred Ukraine, peace in Palestine, in Israel, peace in Myanmar. Let us pray that the Lord may grant us the gift of peace and that the world will not suffer so much because of wars. May the Lord bless us all! Amen.

Address on the Tenth Anniversary of the Invocation for Peace in the Holy Land, June 7, 2024 

Click here. 

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, June 9, 2024

An international conference on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, convened by the King of Jordan, the President of Egypt and the Secretary General of the United Nations, will be held in Jordan the day after tomorrow. While I thank them for this important initiative, I encourage the international community to take urgent action, by all means, to come to the aid of the people of Gaza, exhausted by the war. Humanitarian aid must be able to reach those in need, and no one can prevent it.

Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of the invocation of peace in the Vatican, attended by the Israeli President, the late Shimon Peres, and the Palestinian President Abu Mazen. That meeting showed that joining hands is possible, and that it takes courage to make peace, far more courage than to wage war. Therefore, I encourage ongoing negotiations between the parties, even though they are not easy, and I hope that the proposals for peace, a ceasefire on all fronts and the freeing of hostages will be accepted immediately for the good of Palestinians and Israelis.

And let us not forget the martyred Ukrainian people. The more they suffer, the more they long for peace. I greet this Ukrainian group with the flags that are over there. We are close to you! It is a desire, this desire for peace, so I encourage all efforts that are being made so that peace can be built as soon as possible, with international help. And let us not forget Myanmar.

General Audience, June 19, 2024

Brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray for peace. War is always a defeat, from the time it starts. Let us pray for peace in martyred Ukraine, in the Holy Land, in Sudan, in Myanmar and everywhere where people are suffering from war. Let us pray for peace every day.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, June 23, 2024

Let us continue to pray for peace, especially in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel. I see the Israeli flag … Today I saw it on my way from the Church of the Santi Quaranta Martiri — it is a call for peace! Let us pray for peace! Palestine, Gaza, the North of the Congo… let us pray for peace! And peace in Ukraine, which is suffering greatly. Let there be peace! May the Holy Spirit enlighten the minds of leaders and inspire wisdom and a sense of responsibility in them so they may avoid any action or word that could fuel confrontation, resolutely striving instead, for a peaceful resolution of conflicts. It requires negotiation.

General Audience, June 26, 2024

Lastly, my thoughts turn to young people, to the sick, to the elderly and to newlyweds. This Saturday we will celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Patrons of Rome. Be missionary disciples, following their example, bearing witness to people who suffer because of war: martyred Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, that they may soon find peace again.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, June 30, 2024

Brothers and sisters, let us not forget martyred Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, and many other places where there is so much suffering due to war!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, July 7, 2024 [Pastoral Visit to Trieste] 

From this city, let us renew our commitment to pray and work for peace: for martyred Ukraine, for Palestine and Israel, for Sudan, Myanmar and every people that suffers because of war. Let us invoke the intercession of the Virgin Mary, venerated on Monte Grisa as Mother and Queen.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, July 14, 2024

May the Mother of God, whom we celebrate the day after tomorrow as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, comfort and obtain peace for all peoples who are oppressed by the horror of war. Please, let us not forget martyred Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and Myanmar.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, July 21, 2024

Brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace. Let us not forget martyred Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar and many other countries that are at war. Let us not forget, let us never forget, war is a defeat!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, July 28, 2024

And while there are many people in the world who suffer due to disasters and hunger, we continue to produce and sell weapons and burn resources fueling wars, large and small. This is an outrage that the international community should not tolerate, and it contradicts the spirit of brotherhood of the Olympic Games that have just begun. Let us not forget, brothers and sisters: war is defeat!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, August 4, 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters, last Friday in Bkerke, Lebanon, Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy was beatified. He led the Maronite Church with wisdom from 1670 to 1704 during a difficult time marked also by persecution. A teacher of the faith and an attentive pastor, he was a witness of hope always close to the people. Even today, the Lebanese people suffer so much! In particular, I think of the families of the victims of the explosion at the Port of Beirut. I hope that justice and truth will soon be done. May the new Blessed sustain the faith and hope of the Church in Lebanon, and intercede for this beloved country. Let us applaud the new Blessed!

I am following with great concern what is taking place in the Middle East, and I hope that the conflict, already terribly bloody and violent, will not spread even further. I pray for all the victims, especially the innocent children, and express my closeness to the Druze community in the Holy Land and to the populations in Palestine, Israel and Lebanon. Let us not forget Myanmar. Let us have the courage to resume dialogue so that there is an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and on all fronts, the hostages are freed, and the people are helped with humanitarian aid. Attacks, even targeted ones, and killings can never be a solution. They do not help to walk in the path of justice, the path of peace, but generate even more hatred and revenge. Enough, brothers and sisters! Enough! Do not stifle the word of the God of Peace, but let it be the future of the Holy Land, the Middle East and the entire world! War is a defeat!

General Audience, August 7, 2024

I continue to follow the situation in the Middle East with great concern, and I reiterate my appeal to all the parties involved that the conflict does not spread, and that there may be an immediate ceasefire on all fronts, starting with Gaza, where the humanitarian situation is very serious and unsustainable. I pray that the sincere search for peace will extinguish strife, love will overcome hatred and vengeance will be disarmed by forgiveness.

I ask you to join in my prayer also for martyred Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan: may these war-torn populations soon find the peace for which they yearn.

Let us join our efforts and prayers that ethnic discrimination in regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan be eliminated, and especially discrimination against women.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, August 11, 2024

We have commemorated, in these days, the anniversary of the atomic bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As we continue to commend to the Lord the victims of those events, and of all wars, let us renew our intense prayer for peace, especially for troubled Ukraine, the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, Sudan and Myanmar.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, August 15, 2024 (Feast of the Assumption of Mary)

Dear brothers and sisters, to Mary Queen of Peace, whom we contemplate today in the glory of Paradise, I would like once again to entrust the anxiety and sorrow of people in so many parts of the world who suffer from social tensions and wars. I am thinking in particular of martyred Ukraine, the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, Sudan and Myanmar. May our heavenly Mother obtain for all consolation and a future of serenity and harmony!

I continue to follow with concern the very serious humanitarian situation in Gaza, and I call once again for a ceasefire on all fronts, for the release of hostages, and for aid to the exhausted population. I encourage everyone to make every effort to ensure that the conflict does not escalate and to pursue paths of negotiation so that this tragedy ends soon! Let us not forget: war is a defeat.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, August 18, 2024

And let us continue to pray that paths of peace may be opened in the Middle East — Palestine, Israel — as well as in martyred Ukraine, Myanmar, and every war-torn region, through dialogue and negotiation, refraining from violent actions and reactions.

General Audience, August 21, 2024

And please, let us not forget martyred Ukraine, which suffers so much. Let us not forget Myanmar, South Sudan, North Kivu and the many countries who are at war. Let us pray for peace. And let us not forget Palestine and Israel: may there be peace there.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, August 25, 2024

And let us continue to pray that the wars in Palestine, in Israel, in Myanmar and in every other region come to an end. The people are asking for peace! Let us pray that the Lord will give us all peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, September 1, 2024

I once again turn my thoughts with concern to the conflict in Palestine and Israel, which risks spreading to other Palestinian cities. I appeal for the negotiations to continue and for an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages, and relief to the people of Gaza, where many diseases are also spreading, such as poliomyelitis. May there be peace in the Holy Land, may there be peace in Jerusalem! May the Holy City be a place of encounter where Christians, Jews and Muslims feel they are respected and welcomed, and no-one questions the Status Quo in the respective Holy Places.

Response to an Interview Question, September 13, 2024

[unofficial translation from the Vatican website]

     Mimmo Muolo, Avvenire

Good evening, Your Holiness, and thank you for these [past] days. On behalf of Italian journalists, I would like to ask you: Is there a danger that the conflict in Gaza will also spread to the West Bank? And there was an explosion, a few hours ago, that caused the deaths of 18 people, including some UN workers. What are your feelings at this moment? And what do you feel like saying to the warring parties? Is there the possibility of mediation by the Holy See to reach a ceasefire and the hoped-for peace? Thank you.

    Pope Francis

The Holy See labors for this. I will tell you one thing: every day I call the parish in Gaza, every day. There, in the parish and in the college, there are 600 people: Christians and Muslims, but they live like brothers. They tell me terrible things, difficult things. I cannot define whether an act of war is too bloody or not, but please, when you see the bodies of children killed, when you see that (presuming that some of the guerrillas are there), a school is bombed: this is ugly, this is bad! Sometimes it is said whether it is a defensive war or not, but sometimes I think it is [just] too, too much of war… And – I apologize for saying this – but I do not find that steps are being taken to make peace. For example, in Verona I had a very beautiful experience: a Jew, whose wife had died in a bombing, and a man from Gaza, whose daughter had died, both spoke about peace, they hugged each other and gave a testimony of brotherhood. I will say this: brotherhood is more important than killing a brother. Brotherhood, holding hands. In the end, whoever wins the war will find a great defeat. War is always a defeat, always, without exceptions. And we must not forget this. For this reason, everything that is done for peace is important. And I also want to say something – this is a bit of meddling in politics, but I want to say it. I am so, so grateful for what the King of Jordan is doing. He is a man of peace, and he is trying to make peace. King Abdullah is a good, good man.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, September 15, 2024

And let us not forget the wars that are causing bloodshed in the world. I think of tormented Ukraine, Myanmar, I think of the Middle East. How many innocent victims. I think of the mothers who have lost their sons in war. How many young lives cut short! I think of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, found dead in September, along with five other hostages in Gaza. In November last year, I met his mother, Rachel, who impressed me with her humanity. I accompany her in this moment. May the conflict in Palestine and Israel cease! May the violence cease! May hatred cease! Let the hostages be released, let the negotiations continue, and let peaceful solutions be found!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, September 22, 2024

Brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray for peace. Unfortunately, tensions are high on the war fronts. Let the voice of the peoples, who are calling for peace, be heard. Let us not forget tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, the many countries that are at war. Let us pray for peace.

General Audience, September 25, 2024

I am saddened by the news from Lebanon, where in recent days the intense bombings have claimed many victims and caused destruction. I hope that the international community will make every effort to stop this terrible escalation. It is unacceptable.

I express my closeness to the Lebanese people, who have already suffered too much in the recent past. And let us pray for everyone, for all the peoples who suffer as a result of war: let us not forget tormented Ukraine, Myanmar, Palestine, Israel, Sudan, all the suffering peoples. Let us pray for peace.

Interview on Return Flight from Luxembourg and Belgium, September 29, 2024 [unofficial translation from the Vatican website]

Courtney Walsh, Fox TV

Thank you very much for your time. We read this morning that 900 kg bombs were planted for the targeted assassination of Nasrallah. There are more than a thousand displaced people, many dead. My question is: Do you think that Israel has perhaps gone too far in Lebanon and Gaza? And how can this be solved? Is there a message for these people there?

Pope Francis

Every day I call the parish in Gaza. There are more than 600 people in there, parish and school, and they tell me the things that happen, even the cruelties that happen there. Regarding what you told me, I do not understand how things were, but the defense must always be proportionate to the attack. When there is something disproportionate, a dominating tendency that goes beyond morality is shown. If a country with its strength does these things – I am talking about any country – does these things in such a "massive" way, they are immoral actions. Even in war there is a morality to be preserved. War is immoral, but the rules of war indicate some morality. But when this is not done, one sees – as we say in Argentina – the "bad blood" of these things.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, October 6, 2024

Tomorrow marks one year since the terror attack on the population in Israel, to whom I once again express my closeness. Let us not forget that there are still many hostages in Gaza. I ask for them to be released immediately. Since that day, the Middle East has been plunged into a condition marked by increasing suffering, with destructive military actions continuing to strike the Palestinian people. This people is suffering very much in Gaza and in other territories. Most of them are innocent civilians, all of them are people who must receive all necessary humanitarian aid. I call for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts, including Lebanon. Let us pray for the Lebanese, especially for those who live in the south, who are forced to leave their villages.

I appeal to the international community, that it may work to end the spiral of revenge and prevent further attacks, like the one recently carried out by Iran, that could make that region fall into an even greater war. All nations have the right to exist in peace and security, and their territories must not be attacked or invaded, their sovereignty must be respected through and guaranteed by dialogue and peace, not by hatred and war.

In this situation, prayer is more necessary than ever. This afternoon, we will all go to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore to invoke the intercession of the Mother of God. Tomorrow will be a day of prayer and fasting for world peace. Let us unite with the power of good against the diabolical plots of war.

Letter to Catholics of the Middle East, October 7, 2024 

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, October 13, 2024

I continue to follow with concern what is happening in the Middle East, and I ask once again for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts. Let us pursue the paths of diplomacy and dialogue to achieve peace.

I am close to all the populations involved, in Palestine, Israel and Lebanon, where I ask the United Nations peacekeeping forces to be respected. I pray for all the victims, for the displaced, for the hostages whom I hope will soon be released, and I hope that this great pointless suffering, engendered by hatred and revenge, will end soon.

Brothers and sisters, war is an illusion, it is a defeat: it will never lead to peace, it will never lead to security, it is a defeat for all, especially for those who believe themselves invincible. Stop, please!

I appeal for the Ukrainians not to be left to freeze to death; stop the air strikes against the civilian population, always the most affected. Stop the killing of innocent people!

I am following the dramatic situation in Haiti, where violence continues against the population, forced to flee from their own homes in search of safety elsewhere, inside and outside the country. Let us never forget our Haitian brothers and sisters. I ask everyone to pray for an end to all forms of violence and, with the commitment of the international community, to continue working to build peace and reconciliation in the country, always defending the dignity and rights of all.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, October 20, 2024

And let us continue to pray for the populations who are suffering as a result of war – tormented Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, tormented Ukraine, Sudan, Myanmar and all the others – and let us invoke the gift of peace for all.

General Audience, October 23, 2024

Brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace! Today, early this morning, I received the statistics regarding deaths in Ukraine: it is terrible! War does not forgive; war is a defeat from the beginning. Let us pray to the Lord for peace, may He give peace to all, to all of us. And let us not forget Myanmar; let us not forget Palestine, which is suffering inhumane attacks; let us not forget Israel, and let us not forget all nations at war.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, October 27, 2024

This 22 October marks the fiftieth anniversary of the creation, by Saint Paul VI, of the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, and tomorrow will be the sixtieth [sic] of the Declaration Nostra aetate of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. Especially in these times of great sufferings and tensions, I encourage those who are engaged at local level in dialogue and for peace. ...

Tomorrow an important International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent will open in Geneva, seventy-five years after the Geneva Conventions. May this event awaken consciences so that, during armed conflicts, the life and dignity of people and peoples, as well as the integrity of civil structures and places of worship, are respected, in accordance with international humanitarian law. It is sad to see how hospitals and schools are destroyed in war in some places. ...

General Audience, October 30, 2024

And let us pray for peace. War is increasing! Let us think of countries that are suffering so much: martyred Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, North Kivu and many other countries at war. Let us pray for peace! Peace is a gift of the Holy Spirit and war is always — always, always, always — a defeat. No one wins at war. Everyone loses. Let us pray for peace, brothers and sisters. Yesterday I heard that 150 innocent people were gunned down. What do children have to do with war? Families? They are the first victims. Let us pray for peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, November 3, 2024

And may this principle be implemented all over the world: may war be banned and issues be addressed through law and negotiations. Let weapons be silenced and space be made for dialogue. Let us pray for martyred Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, and South Sudan.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, November 10, 2024

And please, let us continue to pray for peace, especially in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon, so that the escalation may be stopped and respect for human life, which is sacred, be put in first place! The first victims are among the civilian population: we see this every day. Too many innocent victims! Every day we see images of slaughtered children. Too many children! Let us pray for peace.

he news from Mozambique is worrying. I invite everyone to engage in dialogue, tolerance and the tireless search for just solutions. Let us pray for the entire Mozambican population, that the present situation does not cause them to lose faith in the path of democracy, justice and peace.

And let us continue, please, to pray for tormented Ukraine, where even hospitals and other civilian buildings have been struck; and let us pray for Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Myanmar, and Sudan. Let us pray for peace in all the world.

Excerpts from forthcoming book by Pope Francis, November 17, 2024

The still open wound of the war in Ukraine has led thousands of people to abandon their homes, especially during the first months of the conflict. But we have also witnessed the unrestricted reception of many border countries, as in the case of Poland. Something similar has happened in the Middle East, where the open doors of nations such as Jordan or Lebanon continue to be the salvation of millions of people fleeing the conflicts in the area: I am thinking especially of those who leave Gaza in the midst of the famine that has struck their Palestinian brothers and sisters in the face of the difficulty of getting food and aid to their territory. According to some experts, what is happening in Gaza has the characteristics of genocide. It would be necessary to investigate carefully to determine whether it fits within the technical definition formulated by jurists and international bodies. We must involve the countries of origin of the greatest migratory flows in a new virtuous cycle of economic growth and peace that includes the entire planet. [From Vatican News.]

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, November 17, 2024

Brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace; in tormented Ukraine, in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Myanmar, and Sudan. War dehumanizes us, it induces us to tolerate unacceptable crimes. May leaders listen to the cry of the people who are asking for peace.

General Audience, November 20, 2024

On the occasion of the International Day of the Rights of Children and Adolescents, held today, I wish to announce that next 3 February the World Meeting on Children’s Rights, entitled “Love them and protect them”, will take place here in the Vatican, with the participation of experts and figures from various countries. It will be an opportunity to identify new ways of assisting and protecting millions of children who are still without rights, who live in precarious conditions, who are exploited and abused, and who suffer the dramatic consequences of wars. ...  [See related text here.]

Yesterday marked one thousand days since the invasion of Ukraine, a tragic milestone for the victims and for the destruction it has caused, but at the same time a shameful catastrophe for the whole of humanity! However, this must not discourage us from continuing to stand beside the tormented Ukrainian people, nor from imploring for peace and working to make weapons give way to dialogue and confrontation to encounter.

The other day I received a letter from a university student from Ukraine, which said: “Father, when on Wednesday you remember my country, and will have the opportunity to speak to the entire world about the thousandth day of this terrible war, I beg you, do not speak only of our sufferings, but also bear witness to our faith: although it is imperfect, its value does not diminish, it paints a picture of the Risen Christ with painful brushstrokes. These days there have been too many deaths in my life. Living in a city where a missile kills and injures dozens of civilians, witnessing so many tears is difficult. I would have liked to escape, I would have liked to go back to being a child embraced by my mother, I would have liked to be in silence and love, but I thank God because through this pain, I learn to love more. Pain is not just a path to anger and despair; if it is based on faith, it is a good teacher of love. Father, if pain hurts, it means that you love; therefore, when you speak of our pain, when you remember the thousand days of suffering, remember also the thousand days of love, because only love, faith and hope give true meaning to the wounds”. This is what was written by this Ukrainian university student.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, November 24, 2024

I express my closeness to the entire population of Myanmar, particularly to those who are suffering for the ongoing fights, especially my closeness to the most vulnerable: to the children, the elderly, the sick and all refugees, including the Rohingya. To all parties involved, I make a heartfelt appeal: may all weapons be silenced and may a sincere and inclusive dialogue be opened, that may ensure a lasting peace. ...  And let us continue to pray for martyred Ukraine, that is suffering so much, let us pray for Palestine, for Israel, for Lebanon, for Sudan. Let us ask for peace.

On the Anniversary of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Argentina and Chile, November 25, 2024 (from the concluding paragraph

[H]ow can I not refer to the many ongoing armed conflicts that remain still unresolved, despite the fact that they cause immense sufferings for the countries at war and the entire human family. Here I would point to the hypocrisy of speaking of peace and dabbling in war. In some countries where there is much talk of peace, the highest yielding investments are in the production of arms. This hypocrisy always leads to failure. The failure of fraternity, the failure of peace. May the international community make the force of law prevail through dialogue, for dialogue “must be the soul of the international community”. I simply mention two failures of humanity today: Ukraine and Palestine, where people are suffering, where the arrogance of the invader prevails over dialogue.

Remarks to Interfaith Delegation, November 25, 2024 (See this news story, which appears to refer to the immediately following text. The Vatican has not confirmed the remarks attributed to the pope in this story.)   

"I did not claim that Israel committed genocide. I was shown materials from the war, and I said that if this is true, then it needs to be investigated. I understand what is happening in Gaza. I think Hamas should no longer exist in the world, but the war should also not be prolonged."

Address to the Delegation of the "Universal Peace Council," November 25, 2024. 

"I am pleased to have this opportunity to meet with you during your visit to Rome and I commend your dedication to the cause of peace in the Holy Land, which sadly has witnessed much violence and suffering through the centuries. Unfortunately, our own day is no different and for over a year now, the dark clouds of conflict have once more engulfed the region of the world you call home. It is terrible, terrible. The current situation makes the promotion of peace all the more important and I am delighted to see that your delegation is composed of young people from different backgrounds and faiths. This is a clear sign that the desire for peace is rooted in the human heart and is able to bring about unity in diversity. ... Dialogue is the only path for peace, for encountering one another. Young people can be great artisans of peace through dialogue. ... Do not lose hope. It is so easy to become discouraged when we see the devastating effects of war and hatred, not to mention poverty, hunger, discrimination and various other realities that threaten the prospect of peace. They are the fruit of war. This may lead us to think that our engagement in dialogue is futile because it produces few concrete results. Perhaps you may have even been criticized for focusing on the need to dialogue in order to advance the cause of peace. In those moments, remember that anything worth doing is not easy. It requires sacrifice and a willingness to recommit ourselves each day, especially when things seem not to go our way. Keep hope alive, dear young people, always bearing in mind that we are all part of one human family. We are all brothers and sisters, and efforts to promote reconciliation, harmony and peace will always be worth our time and effort. ... Thank you for your visit and I assure you of my prayers for your commitment to peace in the Holy Land." [full text]

General Audience, November 27, 2024

And let us not forget the tormented Ukrainian people. They suffer a great deal. And you children, young people, think of the children and young Ukrainians who suffer at this time, without heating, in a very hard, very severe winter. Pray for the Ukrainian children and young people. Will you do it? Will you pray? All of you. Don’t forget. And let us also pray for peace in the Holy Land: Nazareth, Palestine, Israel… May there be peace, may there be peace. The people are suffering a lot. Let us pray for peace, all together.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 1, 2024

I welcome the ceasefire that has been reached in recent days in Lebanon, and I hope that it may be respected by all parties, thus enabling the population of the regions involved in the conflict – both Lebanese and Israeli – to return home soon and safely, also with the valuable help of the Lebanese army and the United Nations peacekeeping forces. In this situation, I address an urgent call to all Lebanese politicians, so that the President of the Republic may be elected immediately and the institutions return to their normal functioning, so as to proceed to the necessary reforms and assure the country of its role as an example of peaceful coexistence between different religions. It is my hope that the glimmer of peace that has appeared may lead to a ceasefire on all fronts, especially in Gaza. I very much have at heart the liberation of the Israelis who are still held hostage, and access to humanitarian aid for the stricken Palestinian population. And let us pray for Syria, where unfortunately war has flared up again, claiming many victims. I am very close to the Church in Syria. Let us pray!

To donors of the Nativity Scene and the Christmas tree in St. Peter's Square, December 7, 2024 (excerpted; for full text)  

[H]ere, in this Hall, the “Nativity of Bethlehem 2024” will officially be opened.

I greet the delegation from Grado, from whose territory the Nativity display in the centre of the Square originates, and that of Ledro, from whose forests comes the imposing 29-metre-high spruce tree; as well as the representation of the Embassy of the State of Palestine, tormented Palestine, which has come to present, on behalf of the City of Bethlehem, this “Nativity”, created by the craftsmen of Bethlehem. I extend a cordial welcome to the civil and ecclesiastical Authorities present, in particular the Special Representatives of the president of Palestine, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas – he has come here several times –, the President of the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the president of the province of Trento, the archbishop of Gorizia, the mayors of Grado and Ledro. ...

Finally, let us look at the Nativity displays of Bethlehem, built in the land where the Son of God was born. They are different, but they all bear the same message of peace and love that Jesus left us. Before it, let us remember the brothers and sisters who, instead, right there and in other parts of the world, are suffering from the tragedy of war. With tears in our eyes, let us raise our prayer for peace. Brothers and sisters, enough war, enough violence! Do you know that one of the most profitable investments here is in arms production? Profit for killing… But how come? Enough wars! May there be peace in all the world and for all men, whom God loves (cf. Lk 2:14)!  [Photo of this display

General Audience, December 11, 2024

Every day I am following what is happening in Syria, in this moment that is so delicate in its history. I hope that a political solution may be reached that, without further conflicts or divisions, may responsibly promote the stability and unity of the country. I pray, by the intercession of the Virgin Mary, that the Syrian people may live in peace and security in their beloved land, and that the different religions may walk together in friendship and mutual respect for the good of the nation, afflicted by so many years of war.

Holy See Press Office Communiqué: Audience with the President of the State of Palestine, December 12, 2024

Today the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Excellency Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, who went on to meet with His Eminence Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, accompanied by His Excellency Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations.

During the cordial talks, which took place at the Secretariat of State, reference was made to the good bilateral relations, highlighting the important contribution of the Catholic Church to Palestinian society, also in assisting in the very serious humanitarian situation in Gaza, where it is hoped that there will be a ceasefire and the release of all hostages as soon as possible.

Reiterating the condemnation of all forms of terrorism, the importance of reaching the solution for the two states only through dialogue and diplomacy was emphasized, ensuring that Jerusalem, protected by a special status, can be a place of encounter and friendship between the three great monotheistic religions.

Finally, the hope was expressed that the Jubilee of 2025 may lead to the return of pilgrims in the Holy Land, which longs so much for peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 15, 2024 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption - Ajaccio, Corsica, France

Now let us turn in prayer to the Virgin Mary. In this Cathedral named after Our Lady of the Assumption, the faithful invoke her patronage under the title of Mother of Mercy, “Madunnuccia”.  From this island of the Mediterranean, let us lift up to her our plea for peace: peace for all the lands that surround this sea, particularly the Holy Land where Mary gave birth to Jesus. Peace for Palestine, for Israel, for Lebanon, for Syria, and for the whole Middle East! Peace for war-torn Myanmar. And may the Holy Mother of God obtain the peace so greatly desired by the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. They are brothers. “No, Father, they are cousins!” Cousins or brothers, I do not know, but may they try to understand each other! Peace! Brothers, sisters, war is always a defeat. War in religious communities, war in parishes is always a defeat, always! May the Lord give peace to all.

General Audience, December 18, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace. Let us not forget the people who suffer because of war: Palestine, Israel, and all those who are suffering, Ukraine, Myanmar… Let us not forget to pray for peace, that the wars may end. Let us ask the Prince of Peace, the Lord, to give us this grace: peace, peace in the world. War, lest we forget, is always a defeat, always! War is always a defeat.

Beginning of the Holy Father's Christmas Greetings to the Roman Curia, December 21, 2024

Dear brothers and sisters!

My deep thanks go to Cardinal Re for his greeting and good wishes. How good to see that he does not age! Thank you, Your Eminence, for your example of readiness to serve and your love for the Church.

Cardinal Re spoke about the war. Yesterday the [Latin] Patriarch [of Jerusalem] was not allowed into Gaza, as had been promised; and yesterday children were bombed. This is cruelty. This is not war. I wanted to tell you this because it touches my heart. Thank you for having referred to this, Your Eminence, thank you!

The title of this address is “Bless and do not curse.” ...

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 22, 2024

I follow with attention and concern the news from Mozambique, and I wish to reiterate my message of hope, peace and reconciliation to that beloved people. I pray that dialogue and the quest for the common good, supported by faith and good will, may prevail over mistrust and discord.

Tormented Ukraine continues to be struck by attacks against the city, which at times damage schools, hospitals, and churches. May the weapons be silenced and Christmas carols resound! Let us pray for a ceasefire on all war fronts, in Ukraine, the Holy Land, in all the Middle East and the entire world, at Christmas. And with sorrow I think of Gaza, of so much cruelty; of the children machine-gunned, the bombing of schools and hospitals... So much cruelty!

"Urbi et Orbi Message," Christmas, December 25, 2024 [excerpted; full text HERE]

[On Christmas Eve, Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of Jubilee 2025. Such years, derived from the ancient Israelite tradition of a jubilee every fifty years, are today observed by the Catholic Church every twenty-five years. The Vatican website for Jubilee 2025 describes the biblical custom as “intended to be marked as a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation, and involved the forgiveness of debts, the return of misappropriated land, and a fallow period for the fields.” The Jubilee was featured in the pope's annual "Urbi et Orbi" (to the "City and the World") message on Christmas Day.

[T]he Holy Door of the Jubilee ... represents Jesus, the Door of salvation open for all. Jesus is the Door; the Door that the Father of mercies has opened in the midst of our world, in the midst of history, so that all of us can return to him. We are all like lost sheep; we need a Shepherd and a Door to return to the house of the Father. Jesus is that Shepherd; Jesus is the Door.

Brothers and sisters, do not be afraid! The Door is open, the door is wide open! There is no need to knock on the door. It is open. Come! Let us be reconciled with God, and then we will be reconciled with ourselves and able to be reconciled with one another, even our enemies. ...

Often we halt at the threshold of that Door; we lack the courage to cross it, because it challenges us to examine our lives. ... Taking a step towards something so great calls us to leave behind our disputes and divisions, and surrendering ourselves to the outstretched arms of the Child who is the Prince of Peace. This Christmas, at the beginning of the Jubilee Year, I invite every individual, and all peoples and nations, to find the courage needed to walk through that Door, to become pilgrims of hope, to silence the sound of arms and overcome divisions!

May the sound of arms be silenced in war-torn Ukraine! May there be the boldness needed to open the door to negotiation and to gestures of dialogue and encounter, in order to achieve a just and lasting peace.

May the sound of arms be silenced in the Middle East! In contemplating the Crib of Bethlehem, I think of the Christian communities in Palestine and in Israel, particularly the dear community in Gaza, where the humanitarian situation is extremely grave. May there be a ceasefire, may the hostages be released and aid be given to the people worn out by hunger and by war. I express my closeness to the Christian community in Lebanon, especially in the south, and to that of Syria, at this most delicate time. May the doors of dialogue and peace be flung open throughout the region, devastated by conflict. Here I also think of the Libyan people and encourage them to seek solutions that enable national reconciliation.

May the birth of the Saviour bring a new season of hope to the families of thousands of children who are dying from an outbreak of measles in the Democratic Republic of Congo, for the people of the East of that country, and of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Mozambique. The humanitarian crisis that affects them is caused mainly by armed conflicts and the scourge of terrorism, aggravated by the devastating effects of climate change, resulting in the loss of life and the displacement of millions of people. My thoughts also turn to the peoples of the nations of the Horn of Africa, for whom I implore the gifts of peace, concord and fraternity. May the Son of the Most High sustain the efforts of the international community to facilitate access to humanitarian aid for the civilian population of Sudan and to initiate new negotiations for a ceasefire.

May the proclamation of Christmas bring comfort to the people of Myanmar, who, due to the ongoing clash of arms, suffer greatly and are forced to flee their homes. ...

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 26, 2024

Yesterday evening marked the beginning of the Feast of Lights, Hanukkah, celebrated for eight days by our Jewish brothers and sisters throughout the world, to whom I send my wish of peace and fraternity.

And I greet you all, Romans and pilgrims from Italy and various countries. I think that many of you have made the pilgrim journey that leads to the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica. It is a good sign, a sign that expresses the meaning of our life: going towards Jesus, who loves us and opens His Heart to let us enter into His Kingdom of love, joy and peace. This morning, I opened a Holy Door, after that of Saint Peter’s, in the Roman Rebibbia prison. It was, so to speak, “the cathedral of pain and hope”.

One of the actions that characterizes Jubilees is the forgiving of debts. I therefore encourage everyone to support the Caritas Internationalis campaign entitled “Turn debt into hope”, to relieve countries oppressed by unsustainable debts and to promote development.

The question of debt is linked to that of peace and the “black market” of weapons. No more colonizing peoples with weapons! Let us work for disarmament, let us work against hunger, against disease, against child labour. And let us pray, please, for peace throughout the world! Peace in tormented Ukraine, in Gaza, Israel, Myanmar, North Kivu and in so many countries that are at war.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, December 29, 2024

And let us also pray for the families who are suffering because of wars: in tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, Sudan, North Kivu: let us pray for all these families caught up in war.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 1, 2025 (Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God) 

I express my grateful appreciation to all those in the many areas of conflict who work for dialogue and negotiations. Let us pray that the fighting will cease on every front, and that there will be a decisive effort for peace and reconciliation. I am thinking of tormented Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Myanmar, Kivu and so many peoples at war. I saw, on the programme “A Sua Immagine”, footage and photographs of the destruction wrought by war. Brothers, sisters, war destroys, it always destroys! War is always a defeat, always.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 5, 2025

And let us continue to pray for peace, in Ukraine, in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Myanmar, and Sudan. May the international community act firmly so that humanitarian law is respected in conflicts. No more striking schools, hospitals; no more hitting workplaces! Let us not forget that war is always a defeat, always!

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 6, 2025 (Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord) 

They [the magi] had inspiration within, and they followed it.

Instead, those who live in Jerusalem, who should be the happiest and the most prompt to rush, stay still. The priests and theologians correctly interpret the Sacred Scriptures and provide directions to the Magi about where to find the Messiah, but they do not move from their “desks”. They are satisfied with what they have, and they do not go seeking; they do not think it is worth the effort to leave Jerusalem.

This fact, sisters and brothers, makes us reflect and in a certain sense provokes us, because it raises a question: to what category do we, I, belong today? Are we more similar to the shepherds, who on the very night itself go in haste to the grotto, and the Magi from the east, who set out confidently in search of the Son of God made man; or are we more similar to those who, despite being physically very close to Him, do not open the doors of their heart and their life, remaining closed and insensitive to Jesus’ presence? ...

... And let us not forget to pray for peace in tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, all the countries at war, and in Myanmar. 

To members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, January 9, 2025 

Similarly, I renew my appeal for a ceasefire and the release of the Israeli hostages in Gaza, where there is a very serious and shameful humanitarian situation, and I ask that the Palestinian population receive all the aid it needs. My prayerful hope is that Israelis and Palestinians can rebuild the bridges of dialogue and mutual trust, starting with the smallest, so that future generations can live side by side in the two States, in peace and security, and that Jerusalem can be the “city of encounter”, where Christians, Jews and Muslims live together in harmony and respect. Just last June, in the Vatican gardens, we joined in commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Invocation for Peace in the Holy Land that, on 8 June 2014, saw the presence of the then President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, and the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, along with Patriarch Bartholomew I. That meeting bore witness to the fact that dialogue is always possible and that we cannot give in to the idea that enmity and hatred between peoples will have the upper hand.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 19, 2025

In recent days, it was announced that the ceasefire in Gaza will come into effect today. I express my gratitude to all the mediators. It is a good job, to mediate so that peace is made. Thank you to the mediators! And I also thank all the parties involved in this important result. I hope that what has been agreed will be respected immediately by the parties, and that all the hostages may finally return home and embrace their loved ones. I pray a lot for them and for their families. I also hope that humanitarian aid will reach the people of Gaza, who so urgently need it, even faster and in large quantities.

Both the Israelis and the Palestinians need clear signs of hope: I trust that the political authorities of both of them, with the help of the international community, may reach the right solution for the two States. May everyone be able to say: yes to dialogue, yes to reconciliation, yes to peace. And let us pray for this: for dialogue, reconciliation and peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, January 26, 2025

Tomorrow is the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust: 80 years have passed since the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The horror of the extermination of millions of Jews and people of other faiths during those years can neither be forgotten nor denied. I remember the talented Hungarian poet Edith Bruck, who lives in Rome. She suffered because of all of that... Today, if you want, you can listen to her on the programme ‘Che tempo che fa’. She is a good woman. We also remember many Christians, among them many martyrs. I renew my appeal for everyone to work together to eradicate the scourge of anti-Semitism, along with all forms of discrimination and religious persecution. Let us build a more fraternal, more just world, together. Let us educate young people to have a heart open to all, following the logic of fraternity, forgiveness and peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, February 2, 2025

And with regard to the primary value of human life, I reiterate a “no” to war, which destroys; it destroys everything, it destroys life and induces us to disregard it. And let us not forget that war is always a defeat. In this Jubilee year, I renew my appeal, especially to Christian governors, to do their utmost in the negotiations to bring all the ongoing conflicts to an end. Let us pray for peace in tormented Ukraine, in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Myanmar, Sudan and North Kivu.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, February 9, 2025

... I wish to greet you all, who have brought to life this Jubilee pilgrimage of the Armed Forces, Police and Security Forces. I thank the distinguished civil authorities for their presence, and the military Ordinaries and Chaplains for their pastoral service. I extend my greeting to all military personnel throughout the world, and I would like to recall the teaching of the Church in this regard. The Second Vatican Council says: “Those too who devote themselves to the military service of their country should regard themselves as the agents of security and freedom of peoples” (Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, 79). This armed service is to be exercised only for legitimate defence, never to impose dominion over other nations, always observing the international conventions on matters of conflict (cf. ibid.), and before that, in sacred respect for life and creation.

Brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace, in tormented Ukraine, in Palestine, in Israel and throughout the Middle East, in Myanmar, in Kivu, and in Sudan. Let arms be silent everywhere, and let the cry of the peoples, who are asking for peace, be heard!

General Audience, December 12, 2024

I think of the many countries that are at war. Sisters, brothers, let us pray for peace. Let us do our utmost for peace. Do not forget that war is a defeat. Always. We were not born to kill, but to make peoples grow. May pathways of peace be found. Please, in your daily prayer, ask for peace. Tormented Ukraine… how it suffers. Then, think of Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, North Kivu, South Sudan. So many countries at war. Please, let us pray for peace. Let us do penance for peace.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, February 16, 2025

I invite everyone to continue to pray for peace in tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and all the Middle East, Myanmar, Kivu and Sudan.

Angelus Prayer / Regina Caeli, February 23, 2025

Tomorrow will be the third anniversary of the large-scale war against Ukraine: a painful and shameful occasion for the whole of humanity! As I reiterate my closeness to the suffering Ukrainian people, I invite you to remember the victims of all armed conflicts, and to pray for the gift of peace in Palestine, Israel and throughout the Middle East, Myanmar, Kivu and Sudan.