The file linked below is the text submitted by the American Jewish Committee to the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, headed by Cardinal Augustin Bea, in preparation for the Second Vatican Council. The previous September, Pope John XXIII had instructed Cardinal Bea to prepare a draft for the Council on the church's relationship to Judaism. This, the first of three AJC reports sent to the Vatican before the Council, was authored by Judith Hershcopf Banki. It drew upon research conducted by Sr. Rose Thering, O.P. at St. Louis University that examined the negative images of Jews found in contemporary Catholic religion textbooks. In addition to promoting the development of what became Nostra Aetate, this report and the Thering research it presented also provided a comparative baseline for later studies of Catholic textbooks by Eugene J. Fisher (1976) and Philip A. Cunningham (1992) that could assess the changes in curricula inspired by that conciliar declaration.
Judith Hershcopf Banki
Rose Thering, O.P.
Click here: Judith Hershcopf Banki, "The Image of Jews in Catholic Teaching"