[From the website of SIR - Servizio Informazione Religiosa]
"Absolutely not”: the Catholic Church cannot change her position on the Second Vatican Council and the Nostra Aetate Declaration “because she cannot question the Council. That is unthinkable. And the Holy Father cannot deny his Magisterium”.
Card. Kurt Koch, President of the Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, commented in an interview with SIR on the “concerns” raised by the process of dialogue between the Holy See and the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (Lefebvrians).
“The Jews - the cardinal said - are our elder brothers: particularly in Benedict XVI’s vision of the unity of the two Testaments, we are inextricably linked with the Jews. This point is clear even in the light of the Council Declaration ‘Nostra Aetate’. There is no doubt in the Catholic Church that this Declaration is still valid today. It is rejected only by a small group, the Lefebvrians, who are opposed to ecumenical dialogue, relations with the Jews and religious freedom. The latter are actually key points in the Magisterium of the Holy Father, and if a group does not accept the Council or the Magisterium, it should ask itself whether it is Catholic. This is the fundamental question”.
The cardinal then recalled what [Vatican press spokesperson] Fr. Lombardi said about bishop Fellay’s statements: “anti-Semitism in all its forms is a non-Christian act and the Catholic Church must fight this phenomenon with all her strength”.