
CCJR Invites Individual Memberships

The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations (CCJR) is an association of centers and institutes devoted to enhancing mutual understanding between Jews and Christians. Most of these centers or institutes are located in the United States, but there are also affiliate members from other countries. Representatives from major Christian and Jewish agencies and religious bodies in the United States are also members.

CCJR member organizations gather for an annual meeting in the fall of each year. At these meetings panel discussions and analyses of current or ongoing issues in the Jewish and Christian relationship are presented. The meetings also provide an occasion for some coordination of the activities of CCJR members. A business meeting also occurs during the annual gathering.

The CCJR is a United States national member of the International Council of Christians and Jews. This brings an international dimension to the Council's work. The CCJR also publishes an electronic scholarly journal, Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations, available at CCJR administrative tasks and website are currently hosted by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College.

At its 2006 annual meeting the Council voted to establish a new category of membership for individuals professionally engaged in Jewish-Christian relations. These could include (but are not restricted to) diocesan ecumenical officers, staff at agencies involved in interfaith work, educators, dialogue organizers, etc.

Such individuals are being invited to join the Council in order to network with others in the field, to share resources and concerns, and to discuss relevant issues. Individual members will be invited to participate in the annual CCJR meetings, though not in the business meeting which is restricted to the organizational members, CCJR's principal constituency. Individual members will also be subscribed to the CCJR listserv so as to be kept informed of current news and events in Christian-Jewish relations.

The annual membership fee is $30. The CCJR Board will review applications (see application form) for individual membership and the Chair will notify the applicant of the disposition of the application.