
"Walking God's Paths: Christians and Jews in Candid Conversation" video series online

By special arrangement with the National Council of Synagogues and the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the CCJR is happy to make available on its website the video series, Walking God's Paths: Christians and Jews in Candid Conversation.  This makes a very useful educational tool available for use in congregations and classrooms around the world.

Walking God’s Paths is a six-session process to stimulate ongoing dialogue between local Jewish and Christian congregations. It was produced by the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College on behalf and with the oversight of the NCS and the Bishops’ Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. Each episode is approximately fifteen minutes in length and is accompanied by detailed guidelines, reflection/discussion questions, and reproducible handouts in an online Users Guide.

Produced by Philip A. Cunningham, John J. Michalczyk, and Gilbert Rosenthal, the six episodes feature some prominent leaders in Christian-Jewish dialogue and research:  Mary C. Boys, Reuven R. Kimelman, Sara S. Lee, Daniel Lehman, Amy-Jill Levine, John T. Pawlikowski, Gilbert Rosenthal, David Sandmel, and George Smiga.

The six episodes treat such topics as the nature of Jewish-Christian dialogue, the origins of Christianity and rabbinic Judaism in the first-century, Jewish and Christian approaches to the Bible, the spring festivals of Passover and Easter, symbols of the relationship between the two traditions, and the common tasks of Christians and Jews in the world.

Access the videos and users guide HERE.