Prof. Boys is the author of six books: Biblical Interpretation in Religious Education (1980), Educating in Faith: Maps and Visions (1989), Jewish-Christian Dialogue: One Woman’s Experience (1997), Has God Only One Blessing? Judaism as a Source of Christian Self-Understanding (2000), Redeeming Our Sacred Story: The Death of Jesus and Relations between Jews and Christians (2013), and with Sara S. Lee Christians and Jews in Dialogue: Learning in the Presence of the Other (2006). Her edited books include Seeing Judaism Anew: Christianity's Sacred Obligation (2005). She has also published some seventy articles in books and journals such as Concilium, Horizons, Religious Education, Biblical Theology Bulletin, Cross Currents, SIDIC, the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Midstream, the Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations, and the Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America.