Center for Continuing Formation, St. Mary’s Seminary and University Baltimore, October 27-28, 2002
Since this year's gathering occurred within the context of the meeting of the International Council of Christians and Jews (ICCJ), the Council did not sponsor its own workshops or panels and simply conducted the annual business meeting.
Business Meeting
The CCJR chair, Peter Pettit, convened the business meeting at 12:35 p.m. The following members were present: Judy Banki (Tanenbaum Center), Charles Brooks (Muhlenberg), James Buchanan (Xavier), Philip Cunningham (B.C.), Audrey Doetzel (B.C.), Lawrence Frizzell (Seton Hall), Wilda Kaylor (Seton Hill), Edward Kessler (Cambridge), Ruth Langer (B.C.), Padraic O'Hare (Merrimack), John Pawlikowski (Bernardin Center), Peter Pettit (Muhlenberg), Elena Procario-Foley (Iona), Donna Purdy (Relation & Encounter), Gabriel Rossetti (Sacred Heart), Michael Signer (Notre Dame), Lois Sculco (Seton Hill), Franklin Sherman (Muhlenberg), Kevin Spicer (Stonehill), Racelle Weiman (H.U.C.), and Peter Zaas (Siena), representing 14 of the 25 regular member centers or institutes. Present later for the ICCJ meeting were Gary Bretton-Granatoor (ADL), Donald Clifford (St. Joseph), David Elcott (AJC), Eugene Fisher (USCCB), Martin Forward (Aurora), Gilbert Rosenthal (NCS), and David Sandmel (Bernardin Center).
The annual meeting began with a public event: presentations on the subject of "Conversion and Proselytism in a Pluralistic Society" delivered by Gary Dorrien, Reinhold Niebuhr Prof of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary, NY and Gershon Greenberg, American University, Washington, D.C., with a response from John Pawlikowski, Prof of Ethics, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago.
Sunday, October 26
The practice of the annual meeting being hosted by a member center or institute began at this meeting. The Board expresses its thanks to Prof. Kevin Spicer, CSC and the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue Committee of Stonehill College for its efficient organization and sponsorship of the second annual meeting. As the CCJR Board had voted at its February 2003 meeting, a public event in connection with the annual meeting was arranged by the CCJR as a way of thanking the host institution. This year this occurred on Sunday evening as a public panel discussion.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by the chair, Peter Pettit.
Present : Judy Banki (Tanenbaum), Tim Braun (Aurora), Phil Cunningham, Audrey Doetzel, Ruth Langer (BC), Gemma DelDuca and Lois Sculco (Seton Hill), Ann Heekin (Sacred Heart), William Madges (St. Joseph), John Pawlikowski (CTU), Elena Procario-Foley (Iona), Gil Rosenthal (NCS), Ron Simkins (Creighton), Peter Zaas (Siena). Guest: Carl Choper from the Religion and Society Center in Harrisburg.
Sunday, November 1 – Monday, November 2, 2009
The annual meeting began with a public event moderated by our host Alan Berger. Kevin Madigan of Harvard Divinity School delivered a keynote address, entitled, ""The Vatican and the 'Final Solution': Have Recent Popes 'Owned' Catholic Guilt?" Responses were offered by Alan Brill (Seton Hall University ) and Kevin Spicer (Stonehill College) and a question and answer period followed.
Sunday, October 24
The meeting began with the Annual Colloquium of the Hayyim Kieval Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies. Invited keynoters Paul Mendes-Flohr and William McConville each spoke on the current state of the Christian-Jewish dialogue (papers to be posted). The Bishop of Albany, Most Rev. Howard Hubbard concluded the colloquium by stressing the importance of Christian-Jewish relations and praising the work of the Kieval Institute.
The View from Here
This meeting began with the traditional "The View from Here" panel in which members from different places report on their local experiences of a current topic. This year's theme was "How Events in the Middle-East Affect Local Jewish-Christian Relations." The panelists were Ronald Simkins from the Kripke Center for the Study of Religion and Society at Creighton University in Omaha , Nebraska; James Rudin from the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies at St. Leo University in Florida; and Mary Babic of the Sisters of Sion Relation and Encounter in Toronto, Ontario.
Wednesday, October 27 – Thursday, October 28, 2010
The annual meeting began with a keynote address delivered by Dr. Terrence Tilley, the Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., Professor of Catholic Theology and Chair of the Theology Department at Fordham University in New York. His presentation was entitled, "Doing Theology in the Context of the Gift and the Promise of Nostra Aetate, and will be published online in a future issue of Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations. Responses were offered by Philip A. Cunningham (Saint Joseph's University), Edward Kessler (Cambridge University), and Barbara Meyer (Hebrew University and Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem). A question and answer period followed.